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#2257513 - 08/02/21 05:16 PM the olympics
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
anyone watching? admittedly, my watching is significantly down over prior terms. perhaps it is the weird format that NBC and its affiliates are using, where they start showing a sport on one channel, move to another, while on a 3rd they have already shown the same game but in an abbreviated fashion, so you already know the result. The US men's volleyball versus Argentina was on 4 different channels at 4 different times yesterday, while finding repeats of track and field were near impossible.

i enjoy watching the more obscure sports that we clueless Americans rarely get to see televised, and those are hard to catch as well, unless you want to awaken at 3:00 AM and hope it is on. Channel listings are very poor, as well.
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#2257517 - 08/02/21 05:54 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
ACBbank Offline
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My watching is way down. The new format isn't to my liking.
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#2257518 - 08/02/21 06:03 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
madukes Offline
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I haven't watched the Olympics in years.

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#2257520 - 08/02/21 06:08 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
edAudit Offline
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Too much politics not enough sports.
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#2257528 - 08/02/21 06:59 PM Re: the olympics edAudit
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Originally Posted by edAudit
Too much politics not enough sports.

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#2257531 - 08/02/21 07:19 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
burkemi Offline
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Haven't watched as much I usually do. Agree with the weird format being a part of the reason - also agree with edAudit. Watched some of the softball, but already knew the outcome. Watched a little fencing for the first time, a little badminton, just random stuff here and there.

But, I have watched a heavy load of gymnastics and swimming.
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#2257537 - 08/02/21 07:40 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
raitchjay Offline
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Yes, i wish it was easier to find the sports you want to see (for me, that's track and field primarily....with a little dose of some other stuff), and i find it very annoying that if you flip around between NBC, CNBC, NBCSports, and USA, you can unintentionally stumble upon results you don't want to know yet. It's also sort of annoying because they can hang for 2 hours with the same beach volleyball match, but can't give you 2 hours of uninterrupted coverage of other things.

Nevertheless, when i have been able to see the track & field, i have found it very interesting. Lots of super talented track athletes out there.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2257551 - 08/03/21 12:22 AM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
Rocky P Offline
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Wife likes the equestrian -

I must like violence - was watching Women's Rugby - they are a bunch of mean dudes!
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#2257580 - 08/03/21 04:50 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
Sunshine Lady Offline
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I have not watched in years. Lost interest.
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#2257583 - 08/03/21 05:55 PM Re: the olympics Rocky P
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Originally Posted by Rocky P
Wife likes the equestrian -

Me too, not enough coverage of it. frown
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#2257600 - 08/03/21 07:09 PM Re: the olympics madukes
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Originally Posted by madukes
I haven't watched the Olympics in years.

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#2257603 - 08/03/21 07:20 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
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I remember the days when it was basically "mandatory" to watch the Olympics because it was on all 3 channels. I loved the boxing when I was a kid....and Mark Spitz....

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#2257671 - 08/04/21 05:25 PM Re: the olympics Retired DQ
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
Originally Posted by DeeQ
Originally Posted by Rocky P
Wife likes the equestrian -

Me too, not enough coverage of it. frown

was on for about 4 hours early this morning...
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#2257672 - 08/04/21 05:38 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
raitchjay Offline
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Track & field performances have been off the charts....if you've missed the 400 hurdles finals, men and women, the last couple of nights, you missed out. First and second place finishers in both races beat the previous world record.....the men's time now below 46 seconds which was thought to be pretty much impossible....women's record now below 52, (was below 52 pre-Olympics...but lowered again last night) which was also once thought to be impossible. All sorts of other intrigue too (the Dutchwoman attempting the 1500, 5000, 10,000 triple....based on how she looked in the 1500 early round where she fell on the last lap, was last, and still caught and passed everyone and won the heat....and her 5k win...i think she's liable to win all 3)....Athing Mu, the teenager from New Jersey won who the 800 easily.....Jamaican woman joining Usain Bolt as the only winners of back to back 100 and 200 titles in the Olympics....on and on really. Great stuff.
I'm fixin' to fix that.

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#2257741 - 08/05/21 06:47 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
RVFlyboy Offline
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Haven't watched at all except what's been on the TV screens in a restaurant we may happen to dine at. We cut the cord a couple of years ago and I haven't been bothered to figure out how to get any of the channels that might be carrying the Olympics.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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#2257745 - 08/05/21 07:12 PM Re: the olympics RVFlyboy
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Originally Posted by RVFlyboy
Haven't watched at all except what's been on the TV screens in a restaurant we may happen to dine at. We cut the cord a couple of years ago and I haven't been bothered to figure out how to get any of the channels that might be carrying the Olympics.

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#2257775 - 08/06/21 01:42 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
RVFlyboy Offline
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For the first week of the Olympics, I was too busy at the world's largest airshow/aviation fly-in event in Oshkosh, WI - EAA Airventure 2021. Here's some photos:
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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#2257776 - 08/06/21 02:09 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
one deer Offline
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Any where but work
So busy trying to keep my 2 acres watered and whipped into shape haven't watched any Olympics, simply to exhausted to care.

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#2257777 - 08/06/21 02:15 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
Purple Pride Offline
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@RVFlyboy - I haven't ever gotten to the Oshkosh show but have always heard how great it is. Those picture were wonderful. Now I am going to have to make a point and go.
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#2257782 - 08/06/21 03:30 PM Re: the olympics Purple Pride
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Originally Posted by Purple Pride
@RVFlyboy - I haven't ever gotten to the Oshkosh show but have always heard how great it is. Those picture were wonderful. Now I am going to have to make a point and go.
We were there Sunday through Friday and still didn't see it all. If you have any interest at all in aviation, you should go.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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#2257803 - 08/06/21 06:16 PM Re: the olympics Retired DQ
RR Becca Offline
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out of the frying pan...
Originally Posted by DeeQ
Originally Posted by Rocky P
Wife likes the equestrian -

Me too, not enough coverage of it. frown

You have to download the NBC Sports app and sign in with your local NBC provider subscriber info. It's the only way to get livestream of any of the equestrian and a lot of the other less 'viewer friendly' events. I totally agree that the regular channel coverage format is very, very odd and difficult to watch.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.

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#2257871 - 08/09/21 04:15 PM Re: the olympics HappyGilmore
Truffle Royale Offline

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Flyboy, next time fly home via Madison and we'll do lunch!

RR Becca, I caught quite a bit of live equestrian but considering the 13 hour time difference, it was early in the morning or late in the evening.

what the network hoped would be money making sports got the best view times. But controversy and/or politics over gymnastics and soccer just to name a couple of sports, left lots of people soured on watching, especially those of use who can remember being glued to a tv to watch Miracle on Ice type competitions.

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#2258069 - 08/11/21 05:58 PM Re: the olympics Truffle Royale
RVFlyboy Offline
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Originally Posted by Truffle Royale
Flyboy, next time fly home via Madison and we'll do lunch!
I'll plan on it. 2 years ago we flew our plane and spent the night before Oshkosh arrival in Watertown. This year we flew commercial and had a non-stop flight available to Milwaukee, so that's what we took. Next year hope to fly our plane again, so we'll have more options. Madison would be as good a stopover as Watertown.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
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