I am running into a wall in my research. I have found 3 identical state statutes. § 45-2-708, § 45-3-514, & § 45-4-405

They are almost identical in nature. One is in the chapter for "Banking Institutions", one for "Savings and Loan Associations", and one for "Credit Unions" respectively.

My problem is with the first sentence of each. Below is taken from the Savings and Loan statute but all 3 are identical except for references to the organization type (i.e. Association) and the underlined!

(a)(1) Notwithstanding § 30-2-317, where no executor or administrator of a deceased depositor has qualified and given notice of the person's qualification to the association, it may in its discretion and at any time after thirty (30) days from the death of the depositor pay out of all accounts or contents of safe deposit boxes maintained with it by the depositor in an individual capacity all sums that do not exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) in the aggregate - Tenn. Code Ann. § 45-3-514 (West)

The S&L and CU statutes both include that underlined language. The Banking Institution one does not! Despite the fact that the Banking Institution one is called § 45-2-708. Executor or administrator not qualified; paying out accounts or contents of safe deposit boxes

I can't figure out why Safe Box is left out of that statute specifically. And thusly, can't figure out the process for closing a safe box without and executor or administrator being assigned for small value estates.

Anyone have any insight into this?
Last edited by Greg Newman-Martinez; 02/28/22 04:36 PM.