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#2286670 - 07/17/23 07:01 PM Service Hours
NFletcher Offline
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 2023
Posts: 36
Our bank helps a local non-profit that holds large fundraising events. On these days, bank employees volunteer to handle check-ins/donations. I know that this might not be considered professional/technical services, but the organization likes to have bank employees for this work since intake of cash can be hefty in addition to running card payments and taking other means of payment. To me this is an opportunity for our tellers to provide CRA defined financial services to the community. Has anyone had success in getting this type of activity to count?

I feel that serving on a committee or board of directors can be too much of a commitment or intimidating to some employees. These 1-day events allow us to get more employee involvement and might lead to their further service to that org. I just see a trend that younger employees are more hesitant to reach out to develop these community relationships. I'm trying to set up and promote more events like this... hoping to give more palatable opportunities to all employees.

(The non-profit serves LMI- so I am sure that aspect qualifies. Just trying to ensure the 'service' meet the CRA criteria. )

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#2286680 - 07/17/23 07:44 PM Re: Service Hours NFletcher
Inherent_Risk Offline
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Joined: Jan 2017
Posts: 691
Ask your examiner. Nobody knows what they are going to say, but I'd certainly try if you have employees do it. Get something in writing from the organization about how useful it is to have bank employees if you can. I'd say you could make an argument for "assisting in fund raising" and "areas of expertise" for any cash handling positions.

Examples of technical assistance activities that are
related to the provision of financial services and that might be
provided to community development organizations include
• serving on the board of directors;
• serving on a loan review committee;
• developing loan application and underwriting standards;
• developing loan-processing systems;
• developing secondary market vehicles or programs;
• assisting in marketing financial services, including
development of advertising and promotions, publications,
workshops and conferences;
• furnishing financial services training for staff and
• contributing accounting/bookkeeping services;
• assisting in fund raising, including soliciting or arranging
investments; and
• providing services reflecting a financial institution’s
employees’ areas of expertise at the institution, such as human
resources, information technology, and legal services.

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#2286683 - 07/17/23 08:16 PM Re: Service Hours NFletcher
NFletcher Offline
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 2023
Posts: 36
Thanks for the feedback! I am going to document this as being "providing services reflecting employees' area of expertise". I will also see about getting a statement from the organization for future events. Something showing the importance of having bank employees assist in this capacity.

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#2286903 - 07/24/23 02:35 PM Re: Service Hours NFletcher
TMatt87 Offline
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Posts: 2,028
We do this all the time at fundraisers. We have our cash management team set up credit card machines and take payments, with tellers or other staff taking cash/check donations. We've received credit from our examiners in the past without too much questioning.
All opinions are my own, not my employer's

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#2286972 - 07/25/23 06:56 PM Re: Service Hours NFletcher
ComplyCycle Offline
Gold Star
Joined: Dec 2014
Posts: 460
Handling donations qualifies as "technical assistance" of the same type as many employees' area of expertise. I'd include and address regulator questions if/when posed rather than self-excluding.

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#2286985 - 07/25/23 09:27 PM Re: Service Hours NFletcher
NFletcher Offline
Junior Member
Joined: Apr 2023
Posts: 36
Thank you both for further feedback! I am documenting as assistance with fundraising, and technical assistance in cash handling and payment processing/ recordkeeping for these events.

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