B75, be careful with your wording. By Commercial customer, do you mean a loan originating in the commercial loan department or a loan to a business? A loan could be consumer purpose and originate in any department and the same for business purpose.
Like Andy mentioned, policies are general. The pricing can be tailored to the market because of competition (e,g, VA loans near a military installation could be more competetive than areas where fewer military live), a lot of competition can lead to "price wars", etc. Since the creditor is making the loan (not the loan officer or area), policies should reflect the underwriting, pricing, etc. criteria based upon established (and quantifiable) risks, which would affect the entire bank. (Note - some areas might have higher unemployment rates due to composition of businesses, etc., but that should be an overall risk factor. Any different, the lender could be cited for Disparate Impact.) There could be "quantifiable" exceptions based on relationships, competition, etc., but they should be offered to all - not LO discretion. (Reason - most LO's would offer them to their favorite - or most persistant customer, and a "similarly situated minority applicant" might not get the same benefit.)
Integrity. With it, nothing else matters. Without it, nothing else matters.