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#2292281 - 01/08/24 09:36 PM CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24
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As part of the recent CRA final rule, are banks required to have their CRA public file available on their website by 4-1-24?

Also, were there clarifications made on when the public file must be updated each year? Seems I heard something about this, but can't put my finger on it now.

Curious if any FIs are updating CRA policies regarding public files? Can we just direct individuals to our website if they request to review our public file? Or must we still provide them physical copies (and charge a reasonable fee for the copies)?

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#2292285 - 01/08/24 11:05 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Mel in WA Online
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I am also wondering about branch notices. Is the verbiage changing? We will only have FBAAs, so I'm thinking each branch will need a posted notice.

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#2292373 - 01/11/24 11:06 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
bOaty Offline
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Update the file each quarter by the last day of each quarter.

March 31st
June 30th
September 30th
December 31st

And the requirement to change the branch files has been delays until 1.1.2026

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#2292525 - 01/18/24 03:55 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
mbl4250 Offline
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I was on a webinar yesterday that was put on by Kadince and Linda Ezuka was the speaker. During the webinar, she stated that "A bank that maintains a website must maintain all public file information on the bank's website. This does not require banks to create an external website if they do not have one".

after reading the proposed rule it states “In order to ensure that a bank’s CRA performance evaluation and related information are more readily accessible to the public, the agencies propose allowing any bank with a public website to post its CRA public file there”

My question is, based on the language from the proposed rule, it states "allowing any bank", that makes me think that it is not required. Is this a true requirement or a recommendation?

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#2292528 - 01/18/24 04:27 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Inherent_Risk Offline
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Seems pretty clear to me.

.43(c) Location of public information. A bank must make available to the public for inspection, upon request and at no cost, the information required in this section as follows:
(1) For banks that maintain a website, all information required for the bank’s public file under this section must be maintained on the bank’s website.

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#2292529 - 01/18/24 04:31 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
mbl4250 Offline
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thank you! i just wanted to clarify before we started working with the marketing department on the process / availability of being able to put it on our website
Last edited by mbl4250; 01/18/24 04:31 PM.
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#2292695 - 01/23/24 08:31 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
TMatt87 Offline
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Does the new rule have any changes to what's required in the public file? I only briefly looked at the particular section and didn't see anything new, but I want to make sure I don't miss anything before putting the public file on our website.

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#2292703 - 01/24/24 12:53 AM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Tarhe Online
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We will put the CRA public file on our website by 4/1/24 and update quarterly as required. I'm wondering if we still need to maintain the notebooks in each of our branches or does having it on the website replace the need for each branch to have a public file (which we currently have in notebook form.) My thoughts are we can do away with the notebooks, but want to confirm.

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#2292705 - 01/24/24 01:59 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Adam F Offline
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The way I interpret it is that the requirement to have the file maintained at the main office and at branches is only required if the bank does not maintain a website.

(c) Location of public information. A bank must make available to the public for inspection, upon request and at no cost, the information required in this section as follows:
(1) For banks that maintain a website, all information required for the bank’s public file under this section must be maintained on the bank’s website.
(2) For banks that do not maintain a website:
(i) All the information required for the bank’s public file must be maintained at the main office and, if an interstate bank, at one branch office in each State; and
(ii) At each branch, the following must be maintained:
(A) A copy of the public section of the bank’s most recent CRA performance evaluation and a list of services provided by the branch; and
(B) Within five calendar days of the request, all the information that the bank is required to maintain under this section in the public file relating to the facility-based assessment area in which the branch is located.
It is better to act cautiously beforehand than to suffer afterward.

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#2293221 - 02/05/24 04:42 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
bankchick Offline
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We've maintained branch files within our Intranet with only a paper file at the main office for years. This new process should eliminate that step.

My external auditing firm provided me with two "big banks" so I could see a good example. Man! It was way above my thought process.
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#2293332 - 02/07/24 06:54 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Sunshine Lady Offline
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I appreciate you sharing some examples.
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#2293421 - 02/08/24 10:34 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Len S Offline
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The changes to the public file effective April 1, 2024 include the aforementioned requirement to post any and all material to be maintained in the public file on the bank's website if it maintains a website. The other significant change is the requirement to post on a quarterly basis any public comments received about CRA and any branches opened or closed during the last calendar quarter.
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#2293526 - 02/12/24 02:09 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Love Cruising Offline
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How about the Lobby Notice, is it also due on 4/1/24.

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#2293577 - 02/12/24 09:26 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
TryingtoComply Offline
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See Section _____.44 Public Notice by Banks in the final rule.

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#2293652 - 02/14/24 02:32 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 Inherent_Risk
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Good Morning All,

Jumping in late. I am not sure you have to post on your web site. Take a look at the actual rules adopted by your regulatory agency.

For example, my bank is a FDIC regulated bank and the rule stated in the Federal Register is as follows.

12 CFR 345.43(c) Location of public information. A bank shall make available to the public for inspection upon request and at no cost the information required in this section as follows:
(1) At the main office and, if an interstate bank, at one branch office in each state, all information in the public file; and
(2) At each branch:
(i) A copy of the public section of the bank’s most recent CRA Performance Evaluation and a list of services provided by the branch; and
(ii) Within five calendar days of the
request, all the information in the public file relating to the assessment area in which the branch is located.
(d) Copies. Upon request, a bank shall provide copies, either on paper or in another form acceptable to the person making the request, of the information in its public file. The bank may charge a reasonable fee not to exceed the cost of copying and mailing (if applicable).
(e) Updating. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a bank shall ensure that the information required by this section is current as of April 1 of each year.


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#2293655 - 02/14/24 03:00 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
rlcarey Offline
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Well, there is sort of a disconnect between that and the discussion in the preamble.

The agencies are revising proposed § __.43(c)(1) with a technical change to separate the
location requirements for a bank’s public file. Under final § __.43(c)(1), all information required
for the bank’s public file must be maintained on the bank’s website, if the bank maintains one.
Under final § __.43(c)(2), the agencies are clarifying the requirements for banks that do not
maintain a website. As proposed, final § __.43(c)(2)(i) requires that a bank must maintain all the
information required for the bank’s public file at the main office, and, if an interstate bank, at one
branch office in each State. Final § __.43(c)(2)(ii) clarifies that at each branch, the bank is
required to maintain a copy of the public section of the bank’s most recent CRA performance
evaluation and a list of services provided by the branch. This clarification is consistent with the
requirements that banks must make available at each branch under current CRA regulations, as
well as the agencies’ intent under proposed § __.43(c)(2), as described in the proposal.1
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#2293663 - 02/14/24 03:16 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 rlcarey
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Thanks for the clarification.
Being the big cynic I am, when is said revision to be published?

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#2293664 - 02/14/24 03:21 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
rlcarey Offline
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#2293667 - 02/14/24 03:32 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 rlcarey
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Ia m not trying to be disagreeable. Take a look at page 7218 (Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 22 / Thursday, February 1, 2024 / Rules and Regulations), that is where I copied my original text from.

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#2293675 - 02/14/24 04:00 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
rlcarey Offline
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That is why I am saying that there is a real disconnect. That does not conform to the common rule as published on page 7107 but will most likely be added to the individual agency rules at a later date.
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#2293676 - 02/14/24 04:04 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Adam F Offline
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Adam F
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Wow that is confusing, because on page 7137 of the common rule it is clearly stated about the website, but when you look at the FRB, FDIC and OCC rules that were published it is not included.
It is better to act cautiously beforehand than to suffer afterward.

The answers I give are my opinions. Not legal advice.

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#2293678 - 02/14/24 04:09 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 Adam F
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That is why I am a bit confused. While I do not have an issue publishing the public file on our web site if required, since it has been digitized since 2021 and on our intranet, I would rather not OVER disclose either.

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#2293820 - 02/16/24 07:17 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
Blue78 Offline
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Is this requirement to publish the public file on the bank's website not "delayed indefinitely?"

"Effective date: This rule is effective on April 1, 2024, except for amendment nos. 29, 52, and 75, which are effective April 1, 2024, through January 1, 2031, and amendment nos. 7, 11, 18, 20, 25, 35, 39, 43, 45, 49, 58, 62, 66, 68, and 72, which are delayed indefinitely. The agencies will publish a document in the Federal Register announcing an effective date for the delayed amendments."

The website requirement appears to be number 68.

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#2293836 - 02/16/24 09:58 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
rlcarey Offline
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Just curious. I saw that and thought that was probably the case, but I could not find the numbered amendments. Can you post the link to the amendments by number or indicate where you can find them? I could not find it in the FR.
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#2293844 - 02/17/24 04:05 PM Re: CRA Public File-Available on Bank's Website 4-1-24 TeamComply
rlcarey Offline
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Galveston, TX
Finally found it in the FR: Page 7207.
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