There are only two sections that are to be updated quarterly:
Specifically, these provisions are revised to require a bank to update its list of branches
opened and closed (§ __.43(a)(1)) and written public comments (§ __.43(a)(4)) for the current
year “on a quarterly basis for the prior quarter by March 31, June 30, September 30, and
December 31.” This is in addition to each of the two prior calendar years. Based on supervisory
experience, the agencies believe that the term “current year” is ambiguous, and therefore, are
clarifying that banks are required to update their public files with this information on a
designated quarterly basis. The agencies believe that regulatory burden will be reduced by
mitigating confusion regarding whether banks must continuously update the public file with the
list of branches opened and closed, and with comments received during the current year
Nonsense wakes up the brain cells.
--Dr. Seuss