I can't give you a referenceable answer, but hopefully can still help. I had the same question, and posed it to a contact at the CFPB. They qualify everything as "Unofficial Guidance", so take that for what you will. In my case, the interest is always a separate credit to the account, so our PC letter states the amount and date of the provisional credit being issued, along with "Interest associated with the disputed transactions will be adjusted to your account, where applicable". The reason we don't include the interest amount is because the rate data is not available to the claims software, so it has to be manually entered by a user.
The CFPB stated that they would definitely prefer the letter to contain an exact amount to be credited to the account, but felt comfortable with the language used given that the alternative is to delay the credit to the consumer.
Last edited by JR00K; 08/30/24 08:12 PM.