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#2300630 - 08/16/24 07:17 PM REG E Question
Lizz Offline
100 Club
Joined: Aug 2013
Posts: 165
Dunkirk NY
Customer claimed to have tried to cancel many memberships, where she was charged $43.45 each month on 10/03/2022. - The membership continued to get charged until finally coming into the bank on 10/06/2023 to dispute each transaction. The bank then gave her provisional credit for transactions form 11/3/22-09/25/2023 totaling $395.86. But then denied provisional credit for any transaction made 1/3/2023-9/5/2023 totaling $391.05.

I'm fairly new to REG E audits - trying to understand the timing of POS transaction and the timing of granting the provisional credit to the customer. Any information would be great!


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#2300639 - 08/19/24 11:33 AM Re: REG E Question Lizz
Paul Orlowski Offline
Gold Star
Joined: Jun 2014
Posts: 254
Connecticut, USA
On cancellation, the proof is in the pudding, Many merchants require a written order to cancel, so I would ask your consumer for proof of their cancellation. After you established that they did in fact cancel, the consumer gets the initial unauthorized transaction and those falling within 60 days. Anything beyond that is their loss.

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