rlcarey, our current notice has a section in it called In Case of Errors or Inquiries About Your Revolving Credit Bill.
This section too wants the customer name and account number, description of the error, and dollar amount of suspected error. The paragraph goes on to state, "If you have authorized your bank to automatically pay your bill from your checking or savings account, you can stop or reverse payment on any amount you think is wrong by mailing your notice so the bank....This is a summary of your rights; a full statement of your rights and the bank's responsibilities under the Federal Fair Credit Billing Act will be sent to you both upon request and in the response to a billing error notice."
This sounds like an error resolution section for bill pay or or automatic payment of a loan. I didn't see in Reg Z any model language, that would need to be in the error resolution notice, but don't know where the above information is coming from. Thoughts?
I might add that the new error resolution notice that we are looking to use does not contain the above verbiage.