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#238777 - 08/31/04 07:40 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
Gold Star
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 274
New England
Z - you are not turning into Dawnie, are you?
Paragon, Use caution. This could be viewed as unfair teasing, mean-spirited, or insensitive hate speech, and could result in the complete shut-down of the thread.
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#238778 - 08/31/04 07:54 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
Diamond Poster
Joined: Dec 2003
Posts: 2,164
Z - you are not turning into Dawnie, are you?
Paragon, Use caution. This could be viewed as unfair teasing, mean-spirited, or insensitive hate speech, and could result in the complete shut-down of the thread.
Good point, and that's why I didn't state that he was turning into Dawnie. Talking about attorney's, well sort of attorney's [like Z]- we don't know for sure, did you see Angie Harmon last night (with her husband) giving a speech at the GOP convention - a real babe, and a republican.
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#238779 - 08/31/04 07:56 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won *DELETED*
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Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
Post deleted by zaibatsu
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#238780 - 08/31/04 08:08 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
well sort of attorney's [like Z]-
Fully licensed my friend.
And apparently possessive. 
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#238781 - 08/31/04 08:17 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
Diamond Poster
Joined: Dec 2003
Posts: 2,164
well sort of attorney's [like Z]-
Fully licensed my friend.
I wonder if Angie was fully licensed. Also, I'm fully licensed as well, to drive. Z - get real - you are not an attorney, you just play one on BOL, just like Agnie did on Law and Order - you two have a lot in common and, frankly, you are even more believable than she was as an attorney.
Acting like an attorney - that's not a bad thing, as there are a lot of posters here that actually think that they are bankers! Most of them simply work for a bank as you quite possibly work for an attorney.
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#238782 - 08/31/04 09:14 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
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Joined: Nov 2002
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The public statements have always been that we will win; landing on the carrier and declaring mission accomplished in Iraq is an example. Whether the mission was finding WMD, routing terrorists, or bringing democracy to Iraq, at that time, none of these missions were accomplished, and remain illusive.
You are converging issues here, as well as adding your own feelings and interpretation to the mix. Nobody, including the President, ever said the war on post 9/11 terrorism has been won. What was said by the President and others was that we had successfully collapsed the government of Iraq and have captured its dictator. We have reached a demarcation point in the Operation Iraqi Freedom, and there was noting inappropriate about the President's marking this by landing on the aircraft. Yes, there is insurgency, but that will happen. However, there never was a timeline or action plan stating when and if weapons would be located, or whether people would happily accept freedom.
We would all like to see an end to Iraqi insurgency, and an end to the bigger issue of global Islamic fascism, but even John Kerry sitting down with the United Nations and third world nations won't guarantee that every potential incident will be prevented.
Aren't we all adding our own opinions and interpretation here? I wasn't converging issues, I was using the Iraq statement as an example.
I just wanted to see if anyone would go crazy over this statement and try to portray this a flip-flop.
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#238783 - 08/31/04 09:34 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
Gold Star
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 274
New England
You opened the thread by stating... Quote:
After basing large part of campaign on being the person to win the war, he [President Bush] now says we cannot win
Then you replied...
I wasn't converging issues, I was using the Iraq statement as an example. I just wanted to see if anyone would go crazy over this statement and try to portray this a flip-flop.
The President did not say to Matt Lauer that he (the President) didn't believe the war in Iraq could be won; the President said he did not think the war on terrorism -- global terrorism in general -- would ever end. Call it what you will, you were converging the two issues to imply that the President stated something that we all know from today's news that he did not say. At any rate, you are now in agreement that you did not mean that the President was referencing Iraq, but rather was referencing terrorism in general, and that's what's important. Nobody ever thought for a moment that there was a flip-flop. Not even you truly believed that.
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#238784 - 08/31/04 10:42 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
Operation Iraqi Freedom
=Operation Halliburton Profits Quote:
We quickly achieved superiority
Some threat ! Quote:
This type of terrorism was not even understood five years ago.
Glad we got those Cold Warriors like Rumsfeld et all to figure this one out. We need more missiles!
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#238787 - 09/01/04 12:52 AM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
We were attacked on September 11th. Osama Bin Laden and his gang should be taken out at all costs. At the time and to this day, I advocated using every military means to hunt this man down and shoot him like the dog he is. Bush diverted much needed troops, spies, etc from Afganistan into this mess in Iraq. That's when he lost my support. As a father, if my son were to die fighting to find Bin Laden, I could at least find solace in that he died fighting a good cause. If he died occupying Baghdad, I would never never never never never get over my government putting him in that position.
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#238790 - 09/01/04 04:23 AM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
We were attacked on September 11th. Osama Bin Laden and his gang should be taken out at all costs. At the time and to this day, I advocated using every military means to hunt this man down and shoot him like the dog he is. Bush diverted much needed troops, spies, etc from Afganistan into this mess in Iraq. That's when he lost my support. As a father, if my son were to die fighting to find Bin Laden, I could at least find solace in that he died fighting a good cause. If he died occupying Baghdad, I would never never never never never get over my government putting him in that position.
Which military commanders are being ignored by President Bush when they request more troops, spies, etc.? I would like to know - if this is true, please provide a source.
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#238792 - 09/01/04 03:12 PM
Re: Bush states terrorism war cannot be won
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 20,051
Pulling people out of the ditc...
my son were to die fighting to find Bin Laden, I could at least find solace in that he died fighting a good cause. If he died occupying Baghdad, I would never never never never never get over my government putting him in that position.
This seems quite contradictory to me. Being killed while hunting for a terrorist is okay, getting killed while freeing an entire nation from a 24 year terror-filled regime is not okay? You have a warped sense of value, my friend.
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time
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