Based on a review of Reg Z, it indicates that:
Charges absorbed by the creditor as a cost of doing business are not finance charges, even though the creditor may take such costs into consideration in determining the interest rate to be charged or the cash price of the property or service sold. However, if the creditor separately imposes a charge on the consumer to cover certain costs, the charge is a finance charge if it otherwise meets the definition.
So if you are separately imposing the attorney fees on the customer, it would be considered a finance charge.
The instructions for the HUD-1 indicate:
Line 1107 is used to disclose the attorney's fees for the transaction. The instructions are discussed in the general directions for Lines 1100-1113. This line should include any charges by an attorney to represent a buyer, seller or lender in the real estate transaction.
Last edited by rlcarey; 07/17/02 03:57 PM.
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