I was reviewing a website of another bank to see how they quote APR for a mortgage loan......a statement was included that "the APRs are based on a $79.00 tax service fee, $20.00 flood cert fee and a $150.00 doc prep fee".........I was under the impression that a Doc Prep fee was excludable from finance charge.....as I researched "bankersonline threads" and Reg Z, I've become confused about what is a finance charge.......Doc Prep Fee?/Loan Processing Fee?.........We charge a processing fee and exclude it from the FC and therefore do not subtract that fee from the amount financed to determine the stated APR when quoting rates.....I cannot find where charging a Processing fee is a finance charge even though on 7/01/02 a post was made from BonnieM indicating "Processing Fee" IS a finance Charge.......So...I'm confused....
ALSO, in calculating APRs that are quoted to consumers does anyone include odd days interest? How about "closing or escrow fee" (line 1101 on HUD)? We only use $17 Flood Cert fee plus any points.......