No more PTC line (the bile tube in her tummy is now gone)!
I went in to wake Natalie up this morning and found her sitting in a pool of bile. I quickly assessed the situation and found her tube (which, before bedtime was inside of her) now next to her. I left Natalie in her bed, she’s not too happy about this decision, and call Jason. He calms me. I then scoop up Natalie, change her, and take her down to the kitchen. As I am getting her breakfast ready I page the GI fellow on call at Children’s. Natalie at this point is still not a happy camper – I am not getting her French toast ready as fast as she would like!!!
The on call doc. (an old friend) says that he will have our team call us, and advises us to just keep a gauze pad on her tummy to manage the bile flow. Grandpa (who was to be our babysitter for the day) arrives. A few minutes later, Jason also comes home. Jason and I change Natalie’s dressing, which, after 20 minutes, is already full of bile. Our transplant team guy from Children’s calls. I can tell that he is happy as he says, “I hear that you are blaming Natalie for taking out her tube
! (He's a bit on the sarcastic side.) Well congrats!!!” Phew!
Since we were already scheduled for a clinic appointment in Chicago tomorrow, they are just planning on seeing us then. They may need to put in a stitch on her tummy, but since her labs last week were fantastic, they think that this is OK. Double phew!
So Grandpa (bless his heart, I think he got more than he bargained for) is babysitting and Natalie is napping. What a morning!!!!