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#263727 - 04/28/05 01:43 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
deppfan Offline
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And the hits just keep on coming....I don't know where you guys find your strength, but know that you are in our hearts and our prayers! (What a cool kid you have there Lady. )
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#263728 - 04/28/05 01:50 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
zaibatsu Offline
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Thanks for the update. Glad things are going well. My 3 year old fell out of a tree yesterday. Mom called and was worried because he said his tummy hurt. She let me talk to him and he told me, "I'm feeling a little tree-sick. I felled out of a tree and now I'm feeling a little tree-sick." By the end of the conversation, we figured out that he was OK.

Glad to hear Natalie is also OK.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city

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#263729 - 04/28/05 06:46 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
GreatBlue Offline
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Today's the 6 month aniversary of the first post on this. How far you have come!
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#263730 - 04/28/05 07:02 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
Bengals Fan Offline
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Today's the 6 month aniversary of the first post on this. How far you have come!

Wow, it's only been 6 months? Seems so much longer...

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#263731 - 04/28/05 08:46 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
redsfan Offline
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Thanks for the update. Glad things are going well. My 3 year old fell out of a tree yesterday. Mom called and was worried because he said his tummy hurt. She let me talk to him and he told me, "I'm feeling a little tree-sick. I felled out of a tree and now I'm feeling a little tree-sick." By the end of the conversation, we figured out that he was OK.

Glad to hear Natalie is also OK.

Z-man! You're back!!! Welcome back to BOL.
The opinions expressed here are personal and do not represent opinions of my employer.

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#263732 - 04/28/05 09:05 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
Cowboys Fan Offline
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Keep the good news coming.
PS- excellent picture on website.

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#263733 - 04/29/05 03:58 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
QCL Offline
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The tube is back in. I guess that that is OK. A part of me wanted to be done with it. But she was losing so much bile that her poop had turned white. So they did an ultrasound and there are still pools of bile, must likely caused by "sludge." My poor kid has sludge;-).

We had labs drawn at 7:45. Went to the cafeteria and gave her her meds. Went up to clinic, but the doctors were running late. So we (Natalie and I) practiced walking the halls, and finally got seen around 10. They sent us to ultrasound, and while we were there IR called for us 3 times. Jason got a "little" aggravated, and shared this with the IR docs. I mean we can't be in 2 places at once. We then left ultrasound at noon, on our way to IR.

Then we finally get to IR, Natalie gets a IV put in her foot. She then gets some ketamine and is one HAPPY baby! Around 2 they take her in to put in a new tube. She got a bigger tube a we're hoping to keep this one in place for 6 more weeks.

She woke up in a pretty cranky mood, but she's also teething (in addition to all this tube stuff) so once she had a popsicle she was OK. They tell you not to give anything but clear liquids for a few hours, but she is SO HUNGRY when she comes out of sedation, so once released we went to McDonalds and she ate an entire happy meal. (I wonder where she gets her stubbornness!!!)

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#263734 - 04/29/05 05:49 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
deppfan Offline
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LOL Wow...give that little trooper a hug from me, and you and Jason hug each other too. I hope the 2 of you get a mom and dad night out soon, you deserve it.

On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#263735 - 04/29/05 06:28 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
Retired DQ Offline
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Poor little bear, she is a trooper.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#263736 - 04/29/05 06:45 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
Kansayaku Offline
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We are here for you, Jason and Natalie. Hugs to the Bear!
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#263737 - 04/29/05 08:57 PM Re: What a morning!!!!
corkygirl Offline
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You amaze me, when life hands you lemons, you make lemonaid!!! What a strong little one you have but she has really special parents so I should not be surprised. Love to you all.
Treading water in a hurricane

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#263738 - 05/02/05 03:09 PM My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
QCL Offline
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Our local newspaper runs a special for Mother's Day where you can place an ad thanking your mom.
Jason had an ad run with a picture of me and Natalie that said, "Mommy, Thanks for saving my life. Love, Natalie"

It was so cute, I had to share!

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#263739 - 05/02/05 03:13 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
someone else Offline
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That is adorable! Happy (almost) Mother's Day to you!
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Carl Sagan

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#263740 - 05/02/05 03:17 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
Retired DQ Offline
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Aw... that is sweet.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#263741 - 05/02/05 06:08 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
Bengals Fan Offline
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Our local newspaper runs a special for Mother's Day where you can place an ad thanking your mom.
Jason had an ad run with a picture of me and Natalie that said, "Mommy, Thanks for saving my life. Love, Natalie"

It was so cute, I had to share!

So, are you scanning it and putting it on her site?

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#263742 - 05/03/05 12:53 AM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.

Our local newspaper runs a special for Mother's Day where you can place an ad thanking your mom.
Jason had an ad run with a picture of me and Natalie that said, "Mommy, Thanks for saving my life. Love, Natalie"

Ok, that brought tears to my eyes. Hang on to that guy, he is a dream come true.

It was so cute, I had to share!

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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#263743 - 05/03/05 02:33 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
deppfan Offline
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Very Cool. You do get the mom of the year award. I don't think there is a parent here who wouldn't lay down their life for their child, but you put your money where your mouth is. Happy Mothers Day Becca. I wish you many more happy years.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#263744 - 05/03/05 03:27 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
P*Q Offline

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Ditto Elena's comments, well said girl!

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#263745 - 05/03/05 03:34 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
Truffle Royale Offline

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And all the work you did for months to get into shape to be able to donate must not go unmentioned either. That, to me, is even harder than "just" donating.

Here's the third vote for BOL's Mother of the Year award recipient, Becca.

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#263746 - 05/03/05 03:38 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
Bones Offline
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Agreed! You deserve that and a whole lot more!
You need an attitude adjustment ---- let me get my tools!

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#263747 - 05/03/05 06:08 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
Beagles22 Offline
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You have the most loving and wonderful family. Prayers still with you and remember how truly lucky you are as well.
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#263748 - 05/03/05 06:15 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
Bengals Fan Offline
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I certainly hope you have big plans for mother's day... Like letting the little one make you laugh all day long!

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#263749 - 05/03/05 06:34 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
QCL Offline
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Actually (little ape like Bengalsfan - I know who you are ) my sister just came home for a 2 week leave from Iraq - we surprised my mom!!! It's going to be a wonderful Mother's Day! And Happy Mom's day (a bit early) to all you Mom's out there!

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#263750 - 05/03/05 08:27 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
Bengals Fan Offline
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little ape like Bengalsfan - I know who you are

I'm not trying to hide who I am, I just decided to take my real name off the internet for security reasons. And I changed my avatar for a short period of time because this ape reminded me of my father.... ok really, I just thought it was a cute photo and I'm waiting to find a good David Pollack photo!

Anyone who knows anything about me should know who I am

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#263751 - 05/03/05 08:51 PM Re: My wonderful hubby got me crying this morning!
corkygirl Offline
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Happy Mother's Day - your daughter is so blessed with you as a mother (and so are all of the rest of us!!)
Treading water in a hurricane

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