Just looking for a some confirmation that I'm going about this the right way, but we have a situation where the bank has given internet access to non-account owners/signers based upon a letter or email from the customer authorizing it (of course the letter or email has no indemnity language, argh!). The account access is full access, meaning they can transfer funds, setup bill pay accounts, etc. The persons who were given access are not signers, owners or beneficiaries. I have stated that the bank should not be in the habit of granting access to someone does not have signature authority. You wouldn't allow them to come to the teller line and cash a check or given them account statements, so why would you allow them to do it on the internet. And of course the bank hasn't asked their atty for advice and wants to do it for "customer service" reasons because they are good customers. But I think the practice should be stopped and at the least if you are going to grant internet access to any account it needs to be restricted to solely the account owner, signor, etc. Agreed?