I agree with Don's quick answers, including not getting credit for what my examiner calls "Happy Hammers"

But...I'd be sure to include that time and effort in the write up for the service and investment credit so they know you went over and above just cutting a check.
Now, as to the last Anon comment...yup, I've seen folks get credit for Happy Hammers as well, but that does not mean it was right. I've also seen folks get investment credit for FHLB grants, when they put NO money out of their own. Is that right? No, it's an examiner who either didn't spend the time reading each service, or investment, or an examiner who made a mistake but we can't operate hoping we get the same lucky break.
Go with the letter of the law, and push it, but don't hang your hat on the whim of one examiner you got away with it with. Losing credibility is a huge way to fail an exam, and is it worth it for a few hours or your disagreement with the reg? Nope

Save that for congress