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#306580 - 01/21/05 03:06 PM
Re: Weight Training
In my weight training, I want to strengthen and tone muscle not build bulk. Which should I concentrate on more a) doing more reps; or b) increase the level of weight or resistance
Doing more reps IMO. When trying to "bulk up" bodybuilders increase weight and do less reps...
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#306581 - 01/21/05 03:06 PM
Re: Weight Training
In my weight training, I want to strengthen and tone muscle not build bulk. Which should I concentrate on more a) doing more reps; or b) increase the level of weight or resistance
Doing more reps IMO. When trying to "bulk up" bodybuilders increase weight and do less reps...
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#306582 - 01/21/05 03:07 PM
Re: Weight Training
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 3,626
State of confusion
I would say more reps if you are just toning. Bulk comes from more resistance if I remember correctly. My weight trianing class in college was a long time ago (And only taken for an easy A)
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#306583 - 01/21/05 03:12 PM
Re: Weight Training
Power Poster
Joined: Apr 2004
Posts: 8,990
Cincinnati, OH
In my weight training, I want to strengthen and tone muscle not build bulk. Which should I concentrate on more a) doing more reps; or b) increase the level of weight or resistance
For toning, you want to do more reps at a lighter weight, and include cardio in your workout so that you can burn any fat beneath the muscles.
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#306586 - 01/21/05 03:18 PM
Re: Weight Training
Gold Star
Joined: Oct 2000
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In a location
A. You can Google and get all kind of info such as this
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#306588 - 01/21/05 03:21 PM
Re: Weight Training
10K Club
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 10,124
Way, way south.
Doing more reps with medium to heavy weight should work for you. You have to use enough weight that makes you exert yourself. The Government did a study that said that most people who weight train don't use enough weight to make a great deal of difference in their bodies.
And, if you are like 98% of the people out there, you really won't have to worry about gaining a lot of bulk and muscle that you don't want. Size gains take very hard work and great dedication.
Last edited by MarkinFlorida; 01/21/05 03:25 PM.
Giddy up.
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#306590 - 01/21/05 03:33 PM
Re: Weight Training
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2001
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Although you can't tell to look at me now, I used to do some serious weight trainging. I actually got into it and seriously trained for long periods two different times using vastly different methods and received vastly different results.
My first attempt at weight training I did high reps with moderate weight and rested for 2-5 minutes between sets. I developed lean muscles and a great deal of endurance - my muscles didn't wear out quickly.
My second attempt I did low reps with heavy weights and only rested 30 seconds between sets. I developed bigger bulkier muscles. While I could lift alot more weight, my muscles did not have the endurance that I had the first time.
Both times I combined 30-45 minutes of cardio with the weight training.
I have been seriously considering getting back into a workout routine, I guess I need to listen to the commercials and "just do it".
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
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#306592 - 01/21/05 03:52 PM
Re: Weight Training
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 20,055
Pulling people out of the ditc...
Size gains take very hard work and great dedication
Unless you play major league baseball, where weight and muscle gain "just come naturally!"
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#306593 - 01/21/05 04:00 PM
Re: Weight Training
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,227
Bear Country
Another thing you want to look at are cardiovascular lifts. For example, hang cleans or power cleans. Although they're tough to learn in the beginning, but you get a great aerobic lift as well as anaerobic. When I was training for track (wanting to be lean and not huge), I focused a lot on cleans.
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#306594 - 01/21/05 04:08 PM
Re: Weight Training
100 Club
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 165
Check out "Body for Life" It's a great diet/exercise routine. Even if you don't do the diet, the exercise routine seems to work well. It employs a "tiered" approach the weightlifting as well as the cardio. I tried it a few years ago with great success. In fact, as soon as I get my "Christmas" bonus, i'm going to start it up again. Actually, there used to be a contest involved. If you used the reccommended EAS supplements and documented it for 12 weeks, they would reimburse your costs and you had a chance to share a million $ prize. You really have to be motivated for that, though.
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#306595 - 01/21/05 04:27 PM
Re: Weight Training
The entire workout routine is important, as well. A muscle toning-maintenance routine can be a 3- or 4-day-per-week routine with an intervening day of only cardio (like just running on the intervening days). Two-to-4 sets of each desired body area to be worked on, always beginning with the chest routine, and the entire workout should not go beyond 1 hour to an hour-and-a-half. Even Arnold is down from 245 to 195, so lean and mean is the way to go!
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