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#318942 - 02/21/05 04:42 PM
Letter to Check Kiter
Does anyone use a letter for possible check kiters, stating something to the effect that "funds need to be available when writing checks from one account to another"? Someone once referred to this as a "knock it off" letter....
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#318945 - 02/22/05 02:18 PM
Re: Letter to Check Kiter
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
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Fraudman, the question probably is, are these customers intentionally using float to obtain use of funds? There are plenty of customers that move money between banks without any malevolent intent. That said, the ones I identify as "kiters", I don't have any question about.
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#318946 - 02/22/05 06:25 PM
Re: Letter to Check Kiter
kiting, paying on uncollected funds, etc....Whether they intend to do it or not they are still doing it. If they say they did not mean to do it and the other bank catches it before you do, try to explain it to management why you did not close the account and terminate the relationship and now you have suffered a loss.
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#318948 - 02/22/05 09:37 PM
Re: Letter to Check Kiter
100 Club
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 218
Remember, when fighting kiters...the last one out gets the rotten egg. I would handle kiters carefully. I have addressed the activities with "potential" kiters. If they gunuinely don't know what they are doing, or some excuse similar, I have found that if you alert them to it diplomatically they will stop right away. that begs two arguments
1. They really were innocent and appreciated the call. or 2. They now know you are on to them and are getting out or switching banks.
Either way you win.
Luck is the collision of opportunity and preparation.
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#318949 - 02/22/05 10:46 PM
Re: Letter to Check Kiter
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
I don't nkow Jokerman. A kite is a kite is a kite. If it flies like a kite it usually is one. What other reason is there for this type of activity.
I'll give an example - we have a company that operates convenience stores in several towns. They deposit funds at multiple banks, and aggregate it here. They also move money periodically back to one of those banks to process their payroll. Because they often draw on these uncollected funds, and because some of those funds are moved back to an account in their name at another bank, it looks like a potential kite, but it is not kiting. They are using uncollected funds, and they are charged for it on a commercial service charge analysis.
There is too much exposure not to take action.
I would never encourage a bank to delay action on an actual kiter. They only thing I questioned was the statement that there is no such thing as a "possible" kiter.
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#318954 - 02/24/05 10:10 PM
Re: Letter to Check Kiter
100 Club
Joined: Jan 2005
Posts: 135
Sunny Florida
Do you think "float" and "kiting" will disappear from our banker lingo one of these days. It would seem the electronic clearing is going to make those terms obsolete by the time our kids are bankers.
We shall endeavor to persevere.
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#318957 - 05/16/05 01:09 PM
Re: Letter to Check Kiter
I don't nkow Jokerman. A kite is a kite is a kite. If it flies like a kite it usually is one. What other reason is there for this type of activity. Especially when all the elemnts of the kite are there. I just finished with a cash kite in which the amount went from about $200 in mid-December to over $10k in early February. There is too much exposure not to take action.
I've heard the term "cash kite" several times. Can you explain how a cash kite works, please? This isn't something we've been watching for and I don't want to risk losses for the bank. Thanks...
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#318959 - 05/17/05 12:55 AM
Re: Letter to Check Kiter
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2002
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Anchorage Alaska
Funny subject I was just a very large bank, depositing a check from me, to me. The teller in drive through said "Ma'am, we have to hold this check". I asked why, since a quick review of the account would show three regular deposits, two from me and one from the sweetie, always in the same amount. She said "checks written from yourself to yourself at another bank is called kiting Ma'am" I had to walk her down average collected balance, account history, etc, then finally mentioned she shoudl check client history before she hushed up (the sweetie is a private banking client). Then I explained that household accounts are fairly common, and are used quite often. Many times this will involve seperate banks. Lesson learned...I came back to our bank and tried the same thing, only to hear a similar question from a teller. Kiting training is SO Important!!! WHat they recognize as "kiting" and what really is can be miles away. Fortunately I was patient, but another client might be really peeved off. I then asked her for the CRA file (the other bank) which she totally flopped on I did kind of feel that for the training, the bank owed me at least one mistake more
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen
CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.
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#318961 - 05/20/05 09:42 PM
Re: Letter to Check Kiter
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 7,353
Anchorage Alaska
SHe literally went with that last line though Fraud From me to me, so it must be a kite. Silly teller kiting is for kid...oh nevermind LOL
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen
CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.
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