First of all congratulations!? I don't think that you will find specific regulatory requirements as to training; however, it may (or should) be in your security policy that the security officer receive periodic training and access to publications or educational resources. In addition to BOL and the various newsletters I receive, I make sure that I attend at least one full day seminar a year specifically for security. I do not currently have a "certification" and I have been doing this for 5 years now. The person who preceeded me did, but it didn't really mean much as he is "no longer employed here". I would check with your state banker's association as most offer some sort of seminars in security. You are also fortunate being from Minnesota because I hear there is a very good 3-day seminar there every September put on by Dana Turner - a BOL Secuirty Guru and excellent speaker. They also give tests for a certification at this seminar. Good Luck and welcome to the SO community!
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.