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#377985 - 06/28/05 11:59 AM Please keep me in your prayers

I'm a registered BOLer but decided to go anonymous for this message. I've just learned that I have a nodule in my breast and have scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for further treatment. (I have to wait a long two weeks for the appointment) Please say a prayer for me that this nodule is of the non-cancerous type or if it is cancer, please pray that I have the strength and courage necessary for the ordeal. I've survived a couple of bouts with melenoma and an wondering how many times I can "dodge the bullet." Right now I'm just plain scared.

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#377986 - 06/28/05 12:22 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Retired DQ Offline
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Turnpike Exit 10
My thoughts are with you. Good luck.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#377987 - 06/28/05 12:34 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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I wish you well. In the Barbarian rule-book, feeling scared but going ahead to do what you have to do doesn't count as *being* scared. You're strong and you're doing the right thing. I hope the best for you.

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#377988 - 06/28/05 12:57 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers

I have two friends who have survived cancer. One had breast cancer. Take care of yourself and know that there will be lots of prayers for you.

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#377989 - 06/28/05 04:55 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
deppfan Offline
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All over the map.
Prayers for you.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.

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#377990 - 06/28/05 04:59 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
doodle Offline
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Positive thoughts headed your way.
You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy.~ Eric Hoffer

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#377991 - 06/28/05 05:12 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
corkygirl Offline
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middle of the country
I am a 7 year breast cancer survivor, I can identify with your feelings at the moment. Right now 2 weeks seems like an eternity for you. I will send warm, healing thoughts your way until you see the Dr. If you want to talk, PM me any time.
Treading water in a hurricane

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#377992 - 06/28/05 05:44 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Princess Leia Offline
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You are definitely in my prayers. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

I heard so many stories this weekend such as yours as I made the 60 mile journey benefitting the Susan G. Komen foundation. Unfortunately, there are so many people touched by breast cancer, but there are so many trying to find a cure.

Virtual hugs to you.
Last edited by Princess Leia; 06/28/05 06:35 PM.
Duct tape is like the force: It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.

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#377993 - 06/28/05 06:11 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
VioletRose Offline
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Thoughts & prayers. Keep positive, but know that whatever happens you will be stong enough to kick it's butt.

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#377994 - 06/28/05 06:19 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
TTC Queen Offline
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Prayers coming from Oklahoma.

I have several friends who are multi-year survivors. IF that is what it turns out to be, you have an unbelievably huge support base here at BOL and among all the non-BOL folks who have stood in your shoes.
Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light. (Boy is it bright around me!)

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#377995 - 06/28/05 07:17 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers

Thank you all so much for your support. I've been watching this board all day and have been heartened by your comments. I'll try to be optimistic and will let you know the outcome.

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#377996 - 06/28/05 07:40 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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I went through a similar scare last year. I'll hope for you the same outcome as me, which was a scare and nothing more. In the mean time, as you wait, know that the world is sending you positive thoughts!!! At least our little world anyhoo.
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#377997 - 06/28/05 10:12 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Walleye Woman Offline
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My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Marilyn, CRCM

I'd rather be fishing.

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#377998 - 06/29/05 12:57 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Beagles22 Offline
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State of confusion
My prayers are with you that is is not what you fear, and if it is I pray for your strength through the ordeal. Just try to remember no matter what it turns out to be, facing it head on and taking care of it now is the best plan. The faster we can deal with these things, the easier they are to treat. Good Luck!!!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#377999 - 06/30/05 07:09 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
HRH Okie Banker Offline
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Just to say that thoughts and prayers are still with you!
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.

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#378000 - 06/30/05 08:54 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Bones Offline
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You are definitely in my prayers!
You need an attitude adjustment ---- let me get my tools!

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#378001 - 07/01/05 04:03 AM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.
More positive thoughts coming your way.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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#378002 - 07/03/05 03:53 AM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Princess Romeo Offline

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Prayers from Southern California!
Regulations are a poor substitute for ethics.
Just sayin'

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#378003 - 07/04/05 06:17 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Libby Offline
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You are in my prayers

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#378004 - 07/05/05 01:28 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
E.E.G.B Offline
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the sandy shore

I wish you well. In the Barbarian rule-book, feeling scared but going ahead to do what you have to do doesn't count as *being* scared.

Agreed. In fact, in the Diva Handbook, that actually comes out to being Brave. Good luck to you and you know we are all here for you.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#378005 - 07/05/05 04:51 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
RobinB Offline
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((((((HUGS)))))) and prayers. Many times these scares are just that-scares. Even if you have to deal with something, there are many resources available on line. Feel free to e-mail me : )

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#378006 - 08/23/05 05:16 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers

Sorry it's taken me so long to give an update but it is all good news. I had a needle biopsy which showed the nodule was just a fibroid - no cancer! Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts. It really helped!

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#378007 - 08/23/05 05:22 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Retired DQ Offline
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Glad to hear that all is well!
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#378008 - 08/23/05 05:26 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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Great news!!
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#378009 - 08/23/05 06:01 PM Re: Please keep me in your prayers
Search_Me Offline
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In my Strappy Heeled Sandals!
So glad to hear the good news Plain Scared... the same thing happened to my mom over 2 years ago.. she had a needle biospy and also a lumpectomy - after several months of fear and worry..and lots of prayers...she was cancer free... God does answer prayers...
She who dies with the most shoes WINS! grin

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