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#41674 - 11/08/02 08:58 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Nanwa Offline
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Spunky has learned how to knock.
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#41675 - 11/08/02 09:22 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
E.E.G.B Offline
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If they're shut out they just stand outside and yowl until someone lets them in. If they're shut in, same thing in reverse. It's easier just to get up at 4.30 with them.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#41676 - 11/08/02 09:31 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
waldensouth Offline
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
My little dog has learned to just stay all warm and toasty with me until I want to get up. The cat, however, walks around the room, knocking things off of my dressing table, the chest of drawers, trying to knock the pictures off the walls..... until I get up. I've reallly tried to change that behaviour by staying put, but just can't stand the destruction!
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#41677 - 11/08/02 09:32 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Al Miller Offline
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Al Miller
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Sparky (black lab) has had her own door her whole life (12½ years) and is a demand feeder (food is in the bowl at all times). I don't understand what y'all are talking about.
Al Miller, CRCM
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#41678 - 11/08/02 09:35 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Andy_Z Offline
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Does Sparky have his/her own cork screw too?

We have a 12 year old to take care of the dog. We never have to worry about that. Just yelling at him to feed the dog, water the dog, let him in/out/for a walk/brush him... Yes, I could go on.
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell

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#41679 - 11/08/02 09:39 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Michelle M Offline
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FOr there's no yelling, no jumping on the bed, no scratching at the door. I have a parakeet and the only thing I've taught it is "covered cage" = "SHUT UP"
Michelle M Opinions do not necessarily reflect those of my employer nor are they legal advice

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#41680 - 11/08/02 09:41 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Michelle M Offline
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That should be "For me"
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#41681 - 11/08/02 10:13 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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Between the lines
There does seem to be a lot of cat people here. Let's see if there is a trend in COs.

"Cats Rule & Dogs Drool" Sally Field as Sassy
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#41682 - 11/08/02 10:17 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
redsfan Offline
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Richard, understanding is one thing..... Acceptance is something completely different.
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#41683 - 11/08/02 10:18 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
redsfan Offline
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We have latch-style door handles. Our cat has figured out how to open them.
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#41684 - 11/08/02 10:20 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Richard Insley Offline
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Richard Insley
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Toano, VA
Yeah, you're right. Cats know they're in charge & that we exist to handle their basic I/O needs.
...gone fishing.

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#41685 - 11/08/02 10:25 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Kara S Offline
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Milwaukee, WI
I have two cats that couldn't be any different. I don't have the luxary of leaving food out all day, because the youngest will eat ANYTHING, so then the oldest starves. They have to be in two seperate rooms to eat and since the oldest is such a priss, it takes him close to an 1 1/2 hours to eat 2/4 cups of food! The youngest has also learned the trick of knocking on the door to wake me up. 7:00 in the morning... I wish. Bailey (the youngest) starts at 5:30 in the morning!!! On a normal day I don't wake up until 7:00! Plus if the door is open, he jumps up near my head and pulls on my hair with his teeth until I wake! ANNOYING!!! I wish I could put a cover over him, like Michelle does with her bird, but then he would think it was play time....just like he does every morning when I make the bed! Sheesh, I could go on forever!!! I love those little buggers though...don't need kids quite yet!
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#41686 - 11/08/02 10:26 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
JulesB Offline
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A Designated Tree City in OK, ...
So true - now if I had only taught them to use the toilet when they were kittens (now 9 1/2 yrs old), maybe I wouldn't have to deal with their boxes (yes, we have two - one upstairs, and one down). They are indoor girls and always have been, so we can't let them out to do their business . . . .
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#41687 - 11/08/02 10:30 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
JulesB Offline
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A Designated Tree City in OK, ...
Hey Kara! I have a sister that now considers herself a Milwaukee native (been there 16 1/2 yrs as a Kohl's corporate employee) - she has a cockatoo that doesn't even shut up at night after she covers his cage! He screams if she leaves the room to go into her bedroom or the bathroom. Her neighbors love it!!!! Ha, ha!
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#41688 - 11/08/02 10:35 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Walleye Woman Offline
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Andy I can relate - my son is 14. Our poor dog can go days without food or walks. Funny thing, the dog goes to him first even if the rest of us are the ones doing the feeding and walking.
Marilyn, CRCM

I'd rather be fishing.

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#41689 - 11/08/02 10:44 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Kara S Offline
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Milwaukee, WI
Wow-your sister must like it here to consider herself a Milwaukee Native. "Real Milwaukee Natives" always wonder why people would ever move here. It is a great city, at least in the summer! There is a festival every weekend and no festival can beat Summerfest!
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#41690 - 11/08/02 10:47 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
DawgFan Offline
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In reply to:

Yeah, you're right. Cats know they're in charge & that we exist to handle their basic I/O needs.

Let me put it like this: Dogs have owners, cats have staff.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Opinions expressed are solely my own.

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#41691 - 11/08/02 10:48 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Kara S Offline
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Milwaukee, WI
Hey JulesB-The other funny thing about cats...I actually had a rabbit water feeder installed for them (the bottle that is attached to cages), because my youngest, Bailey, thinks its great to splash water ALL OVER my kitchen. He gets in MAJOR trouble...but at least its attention, or so he thinks!
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#41692 - 11/08/02 10:52 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half

My schnauzer is harder to get up in the morning than I. 5 minutes before I leave for work, I have to dig him out of the covers he hides under and plop him outside where he sometimes shivers even when it's 80 degrees outside!

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#41693 - 11/08/02 10:54 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Lestie G Offline

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Glass fish are a good option. You don't have to feed them, they never wake anybody up, and the only time you ever have to pay attention to them is when water in their bowl has evaporated so much that they're resting on the bottom!
Opinions my own.

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#41694 - 11/08/02 10:56 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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Between the lines
or like this--
Dogs look at their owner and think "You feed me and give me shelter, YOU most be a God." Cats look at their owner and think, "You feed me and give me shelter, I must be a God!"

A dog lives with his owner at the owner's discretion,
A cat lives with his owner by mutual consent!

So true, and my cat know it.
NOLA is my Beach!

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#41695 - 11/08/02 10:59 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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I'm so relieved to know there are other cats out there who play in water (I leave the bathroom faucet on at all times with toys (caps from hairspray bottles) in it for my little buggers and...there really is another cat out there that rearranges the pictures! Aubrey has knocked down nearly every picture in his stretching range in my house (and I have ALOT of pictures hanging).

Both he and his brother have food out at all times but I made the silly mistake of giving them "treat" food (wet food) in the mornings so they both start a more aggressive cuddling routine about 6 am to get me up. If that doesn't work they try the "knock stuff down" trick..and when really desperate, they resort to kicking the snot out of each other in a murderous tussle...on top of me. That..normally does the trick.

Poops! (But..I worship the ground they snooze on).
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#41696 - 11/08/02 11:03 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Kara S Offline
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Milwaukee, WI
Dawnie-do they get Water all over the place? My cats FREAK OUT when they hear the sound of running water! Go figure!
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#41697 - 11/08/02 11:13 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
Ann Offline
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ABSOLUTELY! I've tried it, it doesn't work. I've yelled, thrown pillows, locked her out, got up to run water in the tub, opened the porch door, etc. I refuse to give her canned food at that hour because then she starts her routine at 2:00, 3:00 - every hour until I get up. It has gotten a lot worse since I moved last March. I thought my cat was getting senile to do this to me every morning (she's 18 years old). Now I guess she's normal, but I am getting crazy.

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#41698 - 11/08/02 11:18 PM Re: Friday Frivolity--Part Deux and a half
JacF Offline

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One of my cats loves water. After I take a shower or bathe the kids, she hops in the tub and stretches out across the damp floor.

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