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#423415 - 09/15/05 08:02 PM Large $ Return Notification
Ric30 Offline
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Does anyone know where I can find written guidelines for large $ return notification? We're trying to find out if a phone call the bank of first deposit is a valid notification.

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#423416 - 09/15/05 08:05 PM Re: Large $ Return Notification
Sound Tactic Offline
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Sound Tactic
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I would post this in the operations forum. If I knew the answer I would be happy to help.
Last edited by Shemp; 09/15/05 08:05 PM.
If your tagline references disclaimers regarding the nature of political posts, then you should just hit notify.

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#423417 - 09/15/05 08:06 PM Re: Large $ Return Notification
Ric30 Offline
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I thought I should but I figured that so many people read these that I'd have better luck here. Thanks.

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#423418 - 09/15/05 08:11 PM Re: Large $ Return Notification
Dip Offline
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haha, Ric30, i did somethgin liek this once. i posted a really important question in one of the other forums and wasn't gettign help, so i posted a very grumpy message here since this is where everyone was. i got help after that!

is this an ach question? did you try searching the webssite?
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#423419 - 09/15/05 08:11 PM Re: Large $ Return Notification
Hated By Some Offline
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Somewhere vanilla
You mean there are places you can actually talk about work-related stuff?!

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#423420 - 09/15/05 08:13 PM Re: Large $ Return Notification
Ric30 Offline
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It's not an ACH thing. It's a deposited item returned problem. A check that we received today in our returns from the Fed.

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#423421 - 09/15/05 10:54 PM Re: Large $ Return Notification

I know I looked this up last year, but I don't remember where (maybe it was a UCC thing?). A phone call is considered notice, but there isn't great documentation so it isn't what I'd do unless there were severe system problems to keep me from other means.


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#423422 - 09/16/05 12:14 AM Re: Large $ Return Notification
HappyGilmore Offline
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both ucc4 and reg cc address this, and a notice via phone call or online (fedline) constitutes notice of return, so this ensures that the returning bank is not penalized with a late return. It is not optional on items over $2500, but mandatory.
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