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#425422 - 09/20/05 11:19 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2002
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Anchorage Alaska
Wow Ron, they must have changed the directions. They used to be more user friendly...or perhaps it's the new information that's included that's making it bulky. First, I don't print out the paper copy, so if you don't want to, you can avoid that by filing the CD instead, but you will have to print if someone asks for a copy (how often does that happen?....for me never)  And second, I'd answer the balance of your question, but my assistant has locked me out of the file cabinet so I can't go look at the print out from last year  She's evil that way. I would expect someone will get back with an answer sooner, but if you'd like, I'll check back here the second we get the new CD and she walks through the steps to print the smaller amount needed for your files and see if I can post them to help you out. Hopefully that will work. In the mean time, take a chance and file the CD for now until you get an answer 
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen
CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.
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#425425 - 09/21/05 05:06 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
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Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 6,172
Further South than I wanna be.
We haven't received ours either.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#425427 - 09/22/05 03:01 AM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 2,142
Just returned from ACB Compliance Convention in Chicago. There were several seminars on the recently released HMDA data. According to one speaker, most of the Rate Spread loans were made by about 10% of the reporting lenders although an FDIC rep said that about 75% of FDIC regulated lenders made at least 1 mortgage that exceeded the rate spread threshold. GeoDataVision will be preparing a special report on the data after we receive the raw data and process it.
CRA Exam Preparation, CRA Performance Evaluations, Key Performance Benchmarks, & maps
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#425428 - 09/23/05 05:10 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
It is now the 23rd and we have not received our CD for the 2004 information. I thought we were to have these by the 21st.
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#425431 - 09/26/05 05:24 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 2,142
GeoDataVision received its copy of the 2004 HMDA raw database on 9/24. We order our copy every Spring because we process the data into special mortgage market reports for community banks that use it for both for market analysis and compliance evaluation. If you find the standard government version frustrating or cumbersome to use (like Ron has indicated), you should consider getting market analysis reports from private companies like GDV because all the data is compiled and calculated to show market rank and market share, etc., already. I don't know the pricing from other companies, but the standard reports we produce cost only hundreds of dollars per state. Another point I can't overstate is the HMDA and CRA data are invaluable for market analysis. If you limit the use to only compliance (or worse, you don't use it at all!), you are really shortchanging your bank. At the ACB Compliance Conference I gave a presentation on How to turn your CRA cost center into a CRA profit center, and the secret is to use the HMDA and CRA data for real market analysis, not just a perfuctory compliance evaluation. You might be surprised by what your analysis reveals. You can learn an awful lot about the market and your competition and . you can get enthusiastic senior management support if you have a market driven CRA self-evaluation 
CRA Exam Preparation, CRA Performance Evaluations, Key Performance Benchmarks, & maps
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#425432 - 09/26/05 07:25 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Diamond Poster
Joined: Dec 2003
Posts: 1,385
I just got mine in the mail today, so I would think you would be getting yours shortly.
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#425433 - 09/26/05 07:30 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Just got ours today, even though the letter is dated August 19th.
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#425434 - 09/26/05 07:52 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 6,172
Further South than I wanna be.
Still don't have ours. Guess the Pony Express is slow this year.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#425436 - 09/26/05 08:01 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 6,172
Further South than I wanna be.
Guess what landed on my desk as soon as I made the last response. A CRUSHED CD. Well the case was crushed, I am not sure what shape the CD is in. I'll let my assistant figure that out.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#425438 - 09/27/05 12:56 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
10K Club
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Somewhere vanilla
Guess what landed on my desk as soon as I made the last response. A CRUSHED CD. Well the case was crushed, I am not sure what shape the CD is in. I'll let my assistant figure that out.
Why don't you rub it in! My right hand man is, well, my right hand.
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#425439 - 09/27/05 09:00 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 6,172
Further South than I wanna be.
Well she has become less and less my assistant and more and more the CRA/HMDA reporting person. It takes up all her time to clean up and make sure the data is acurate. No time left to assist me.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#425442 - 09/28/05 02:54 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
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New Jersey
Mine arrived today.
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker
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#425443 - 09/28/05 03:56 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,310
Here's a related thread going on in the Lending forum. I mentioned an FFIEC notice about the need to apply a patch to the CD-ROM and the fact that the FFIEC had to fix a few of the online reports. This may have caused some printing problems.
Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer. They are not legal advice.
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#425444 - 09/28/05 06:34 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 5,249
out of the frying pan...
Can we really just put the cd in our file? If I print all of this, I'll have 70-80 pages per MSA! What a PITA - last year's was only about 50 pages total.
Dawnie - if I just file the cd, do I put in a note or something saying that pritned HMDA disclosures are available upon request? What about our branches and our out of state office?
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#425446 - 09/28/05 06:51 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 5,249
out of the frying pan...
Thanks Ron. Our branch files are maintained on our intranet and I've got those fax pages out there for them to use (assuming they remember to look for them!). I was more concerned about our out of state branch (there's only 1) because we are required to keep an exact copy of the official public file there, too. I guess I could just have that branch manager put a page in the file where the disclosure *would* go stating that due to length, printed copies will be provided upon written request?
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#425448 - 09/28/05 07:02 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 5,249
out of the frying pan...
So: 1. print my "home" disclosure and put it in the Public File (all 80 whatever pages of it) 2. put my CD in the file with a letter stating how the rest of the disclosures may be obtained 3. print my out of state office's "home" disclosure and send it to them for their file, along with a copy of the letter about getting copies of the other disclosures and where the cd is located. Did I get that right? 
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#425450 - 09/29/05 10:06 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 6,172
Further South than I wanna be.
Becca & Ron, We make it even simpler, for our out of state branch we copy the CD, not print the report, and send the copy to the branch. We also include instructions on how to print if needed.
(good to see you again Becca, long time no see) Like the new pic is it you?
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#425451 - 09/30/05 01:12 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 5,249
out of the frying pan...
Yeah, it's me.  I'll see you soon - you are going to Austin, aren't you? re: copying the cd - I thought about that, but was a little afraid to. If I have trouble figuring out what/how to print, what are the odds of the branch manager getting it sorted out? 
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#425452 - 09/30/05 02:17 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
10K Club
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On the Net
If you provide very specific instructions, perhaps even showing screen captures, they should be able to figure it out. They can also call for help, and couple all that with the likelihood that they'd ever be asked for it, and you should be fine.
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#425453 - 09/30/05 03:52 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 6,172
Further South than I wanna be.
Becca, yep I will be in Austin. What about you Andy? We can have a MONK meeting.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#425454 - 10/13/05 01:42 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
We still haven't received ours. . . Anyone else still waiting??
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#425455 - 10/18/05 02:02 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Diamond Poster
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 1,035
We have our disk and have tried numerous times to download the patch but it is not working. Anyone else have problems getting the patch to download?
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#425456 - 10/18/05 03:18 PM
Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Power Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,568
New Jersey
I downloaded the patch twice, but it didn't seem to correct anything.
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker
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