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#425421 - 09/20/05 07:32 PM HMDA 2004 A&D
Hated By Some Offline
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I just printed out like 700 pages. Total waste. What do we need to really print out? The directions and program prompts leave much to be desired.

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#425422 - 09/20/05 11:19 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
HRH Dawnie Offline
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Wow Ron, they must have changed the directions. They used to be more user friendly...or perhaps it's the new information that's included that's making it bulky.

First, I don't print out the paper copy, so if you don't want to, you can avoid that by filing the CD instead, but you will have to print if someone asks for a copy (how often does that happen?....for me never) And second, I'd answer the balance of your question, but my assistant has locked me out of the file cabinet so I can't go look at the print out from last year She's evil that way.

I would expect someone will get back with an answer sooner, but if you'd like, I'll check back here the second we get the new CD and she walks through the steps to print the smaller amount needed for your files and see if I can post them to help you out. Hopefully that will work. In the mean time, take a chance and file the CD for now until you get an answer
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#425423 - 09/21/05 04:34 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
BankerMama Offline
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We haven't even gotten a CD. Are we suppose to?

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#425424 - 09/21/05 04:46 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
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Right you are about people asking for it...NEVER! Yeah they did include way too much stuff. It's almost at the point where there could be litigation because the purpose of allowing consumers to evaluate whether a bank is meeting the credit needs is so confusing that an average person wouldn't even be able to tell what they are looking at (I sure know I don't ).

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#425425 - 09/21/05 05:06 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
CRAatBOK Offline

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We haven't received ours either.
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#425426 - 09/22/05 02:09 AM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Truffle Royale Offline

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During the ABA phone seminar today one of the speakers said all the cds were mailed out by 9/16 and we should have them by the end of the week.

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#425427 - 09/22/05 03:01 AM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Len S Offline
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Just returned from ACB Compliance Convention in Chicago. There were several seminars on the recently released HMDA data. According to one speaker, most of the Rate Spread loans were made by about 10% of the reporting lenders although an FDIC rep said that about 75% of FDIC regulated lenders made at least 1 mortgage that exceeded the rate spread threshold. GeoDataVision will be preparing a special report on the data after we receive the raw data and process it.
CRA Exam Preparation, CRA Performance Evaluations, Key Performance Benchmarks, & maps

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#425428 - 09/23/05 05:10 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D

It is now the 23rd and we have not received our CD for the 2004 information. I thought we were to have these by the 21st.

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#425429 - 09/23/05 05:53 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
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They just like us better.

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#425430 - 09/26/05 05:24 PM HMDA 2004 CD
Truffle Royale Offline

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So, anybody else still waiting to get their's besides me? Should I be panicing yet?

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#425431 - 09/26/05 05:24 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Len S Offline
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GeoDataVision received its copy of the 2004 HMDA raw database on 9/24. We order our copy every Spring because we process the data into special mortgage market reports for community banks that use it for both for market analysis and compliance evaluation.
If you find the standard government version frustrating or cumbersome to use (like Ron has indicated), you should consider getting market analysis reports from private companies like GDV because all the data is compiled and calculated to show market rank and market share, etc., already. I don't know the pricing from other companies, but the standard reports we produce cost only hundreds of dollars per state.
Another point I can't overstate is the HMDA and CRA data are invaluable for market analysis. If you limit the use to only compliance (or worse, you don't use it at all!), you are really shortchanging your bank. At the ACB Compliance Conference I gave a presentation on How to turn your CRA cost center into a CRA profit center, and the secret is to use the HMDA and CRA data for real market analysis, not just a perfuctory compliance evaluation. You might be surprised by what your analysis reveals. You can learn an awful lot about the market and your competition and . you can get enthusiastic senior management support if you have a market driven CRA self-evaluation
CRA Exam Preparation, CRA Performance Evaluations, Key Performance Benchmarks, & maps

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#425432 - 09/26/05 07:25 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
CSB98 Offline
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I just got mine in the mail today, so I would think you would be getting yours shortly.

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#425433 - 09/26/05 07:30 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D

Just got ours today, even though the letter is dated August 19th.

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#425434 - 09/26/05 07:52 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
CRAatBOK Offline

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Still don't have ours. Guess the Pony Express is slow this year.
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#425435 - 09/26/05 07:54 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
hmdagal Offline
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Ours came today - they waited until I got back from vacation!

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#425436 - 09/26/05 08:01 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
CRAatBOK Offline

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Guess what landed on my desk as soon as I made the last response. A CRUSHED CD. Well the case was crushed, I am not sure what shape the CD is in. I'll let my assistant figure that out.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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#425437 - 09/27/05 02:00 AM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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Still waiting.
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#425438 - 09/27/05 12:56 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Hated By Some Offline
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Guess what landed on my desk as soon as I made the last response. A CRUSHED CD. Well the case was crushed, I am not sure what shape the CD is in. I'll let my assistant figure that out.

Why don't you rub it in! My right hand man is, well, my right hand.

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#425439 - 09/27/05 09:00 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.
Well she has become less and less my assistant and more and more the CRA/HMDA reporting person. It takes up all her time to clean up and make sure the data is acurate. No time left to assist me.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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#425440 - 09/27/05 10:09 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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My disk arrived today. Assistant, what's that?
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#425441 - 09/27/05 11:38 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Truffle Royale Offline

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still waiting.........(tapping foot impatiently...)

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#425442 - 09/28/05 02:54 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Sinatra Fan Offline
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Mine arrived today.
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#425443 - 09/28/05 03:56 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Reads Regs Offline
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Here's a related thread going on in the Lending forum. I mentioned an FFIEC notice about the need to apply a patch to the CD-ROM and the fact that the FFIEC had to fix a few of the online reports. This may have caused some printing problems.
Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employer. They are not legal advice.

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#425444 - 09/28/05 06:34 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
RR Becca Offline
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RR Becca
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out of the frying pan...
Can we really just put the cd in our file? If I print all of this, I'll have 70-80 pages per MSA! What a PITA - last year's was only about 50 pages total.

Dawnie - if I just file the cd, do I put in a note or something saying that pritned HMDA disclosures are available upon request? What about our branches and our out of state office?
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.

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#425445 - 09/28/05 06:45 PM Re: HMDA 2004 A&D
Hated By Some Offline
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Becca, I am doing exactly that. Just be sure that you have a good dialogue with your branches about getting back to you if there are requests. I took a Dawnie-based suggestion and put fax sheets and contact instructions for each of their public files. Check out the letter that was sent regarding alternative delivery means. 15 days to response upon request.

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