In fact I will address this. Thanks, Reg. Reader.
The board should get the 50,000 foot view. They don't normally need minutiae but need upper level facts. Some in senior management may be responsible for the response and they should have the details. The idea here is to write succinctly for the overview, and detailed for the report. Let there be no doubts about the findings.
I also like to denote repeat violations, causes and solutions.
I invite you to take a look at the link above (and as I write this, to the left, on your screen). Remember that you can submit questions in advance. All questions will be answered, in writing. And with a BOL Learning Connect webinar you can listen to the live broadcast and then again and again for 30 days, as often as you want. This is great when you can't get everyone together for one of your listening sessions.
My opinions are not necessarily my employers.
Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell