We deal with that situation in some of our offices, and after discussing it with the FED, we came to the conclusion that it is best to fund those fees (ours involve more than an orig fee) as the first draw on the construction loan payable to the Mortgage Company at the borrowers direction.
Technically, for the mortgage company to issue a commitment, they have earned their fee due to the mortgage process. It helps them keep away from lender jumping after the work has been done. Having been from both sides of the fence, I can see their point, however since our loan was not subject to RESPA, we did not want disclosure on the HUD 1.
The reason for that is, and the FED agreed, that if it were inadvertantly disclosed on the wrong line or in some way improperly, it could come back on us. Therefore, the decision to allow the fees to be paid from the first draw was decided as the way we would handle it.
I hope that made some tiny speck of sense...it's been a long week!
My opinion only. Not legal advice.
Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour