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#459132 - 11/18/05 08:21 PM
Baby's Momma Support
Anyone paying really high child support payments that don't end up going all to your kid....or pay 100% of the cost for the kid even though you were only half of the equation. If you are paying loot to support your ex throw out the number.....for me....$500/mo. + insurance ($100) = $600/mo.
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#459136 - 11/18/05 10:19 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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Wow...I never went after my son's father for child support. I told him that if he wanted to be involved in his life, he needed to be completely involved: physically, emotionally and financially. If he chose not to exercise that option, he was free to leave unencumbered. He chose to be involved. The only financial requirement I made was that he pay my son's child care costs every other month ($270). That's it! He got off easy from the sounds of it!
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#459138 - 11/19/05 04:01 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
Yup. My boyfriend gives his ex about 600/month.. used to be 300 but they upped it because their daughter was going into day care. Its been 4 months and she's still not in day care yet. And, surprisingly, the mother somehow bought a brand new SUV recently too. So I guess you could assume he's paying for her car payment. That makes me SO mad, I wish I could just beat her up sometimes. Ha ha. Ok not really, but its just not fair!!!
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#459140 - 11/20/05 02:30 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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Oh, it doesn't bother me at all what he pays for the children, I just find it irritating that she can have her cake and eat it too, re: alimony and rich boyfriend. Then again, his divorce lawyer was a real loser. Buy cheap, get cheap.
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#459142 - 11/21/05 03:03 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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Oh, it doesn't bother me at all what he pays for the children, I just find it irritating that she can have her cake and eat it too, re: alimony and rich boyfriend. Then again, his divorce lawyer was a real loser. Buy cheap, get cheap.
I agree about alimony. Child support should be a given, but why should any grown adult be supported by an ex-spouse? Just because they don't make as much or have gotten used to a certain standard of living? That is an old fashioned idea from the days when women couldn't support themselves.
Even child support can be excessive. While some working-class women can't get a dime out of their good-for-nothing exs and have to work 2-3 jobs to feed their kids, how many ex-wives are getting a certain ratio of their former husband's income, even if it's far in excess of what's needed to support the kids (e.g., 25% of a million $ paycheck). In those cases, even if the % is enforced, the amount beyond what's needed for immediate support should go into a trust fund so the kids benefit, not the ex-spouse.
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#459144 - 11/21/05 05:00 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
My ex makes $9/hr and on one had doesn't want this to go to court, but on the other hand she makes so little and drives a new car so I end up paying 100% of the cost for my daughter. I told her that the next dime she gets from me, she'll need a team of lawyers to pull it from my pocket. I get p'd about paying the full boat, but my daughters smile makes me forget about the money.
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#459145 - 11/21/05 06:19 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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Alimony pretty much depends on the circumstances. Did the couple have an agreement when married that she would stay home and care for the children while he worked? Yes, then her opportunities for finding work will be limited until her skill set has been improved. Alimony would be entirely appropriate while she learns a skill.
Did she work to put him thru law school or medical school only to have him dump her for some young thing the minute he had money? It's his turn to pay - alimony is definitely appropriate. I don't consider it an old-fashioned idea to earn a return on your investment.
Last edited by waldensouth; 11/21/05 06:21 PM.
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#459146 - 11/21/05 08:47 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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Three kids= $900/month and that includes reimbursement of $200/month for health insurance premiums (Don't know where they get it for that, but the program is better than mine here at the Bank).
PS: I have never nor I will ever miss a child support payment. That is not an expense to me, but an investment in their future (since I am not around all the time). (I would have rather been around, but I don't think her new husband would appreciate it.)
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#459147 - 11/21/05 09:17 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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#459149 - 11/22/05 02:54 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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I pay $500.00 for 1 child.
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#459150 - 11/23/05 09:08 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
I don't think so either. We were able to keep it out of the courts and agreed on this amount. I just threw the info out there for comparative purposes.
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#459151 - 11/23/05 09:18 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
I know that alimony is no longer if the ex bride or groom gets remarried. And yea they base it on your income which is ridiculous.... because look at Puff daddy/P diddy/Diddy whatever name he is going by now a days... he pays a friggin lot of money each month to his baby momma..... and its a amount that none of us would ever... ever have in a liftime.... its crazy... i think it should be a basic figure.. and then if the father/mother choose to be part of the kids life then that is what makes them a good parent not the money!
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#459152 - 11/23/05 09:33 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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it is partially based on what they were used to when the family was a unit. If they were used to spending 10g a month on the bling, then daddy needs to pay the 10g...
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#459154 - 11/23/05 11:40 PM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
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My husband pays $300/mo in child support for his daughter. We pay it like clockwork. We also just dished out a $1000 for new braces and we pay for her school clothes every year. I don't have a problem with it. I love my step daughter like she was my own. The problem I do have is that we live in a different State than they do, and we only get her 2-3 months in the summertime. Well, now, her mother is trying to cut that down to 1 month in the summer. My husband is certainly not a deadbeat dad. He has a close relationship with his daughter. But for some reason, the mother wants them to spend less and less time together. That's what hurts.
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#459155 - 12/03/05 05:01 AM
Re: Baby's Momma Support
Child support sucks. Everyone should just take care of their own kids. Either that or have an abortion. That would alleviate a lot of headaches when it comes to buying crap for these little rugrats which cost a lot when I could be using that $$$ for something more worthwhile such as a yacht, clubbing, clothes, dates, etc.
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