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#496171 - 02/09/06 06:29 PM
Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
Joined: Feb 2006
Posts: 221
I was just eating lunch with my gf, we went to this burger joint (Fuddruckers) and she told the cashier "I want a Cheeseburger" and she asked her if she wanted a Quarter pounder or a 1/3 pounder, and she says "which one is smaller?" lol; in the past she has asked if humans were mammals, she also asked if spiders could be located on farms, and when asked what year the Civil War was in, she responded "sometime after the Industrial Revolution" lol, which the Industrial revolution was spurred by the Civil War (1861-1865), and also thought that WWI occurred during the 1930s. . .anyways, what have customers or close friends surprised you with lately???
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#496172 - 02/09/06 06:31 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
Is your gf blond? If not your blond for dating her.
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#496173 - 02/09/06 06:33 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
Joined: Feb 2006
Posts: 221
haha, well her hair color changes quite frequently so her hair is a number of various colors. . .but sometimes she just thinks before she says things, maybe sometimes to just say something dumb, idk, but I love her either way
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#496174 - 02/09/06 06:35 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
Such a romantic. Do you have a brother?
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#496175 - 02/09/06 06:37 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
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Posts: 221
Romanticism, my favorite era. . .yes I do, but nothing like me. . .a complete gangsta wigga, lol
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#496176 - 02/09/06 06:39 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
Gold Star
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TeXaS - - YeeHaW!!
Actually Carl, I *don't think before I speak.. which leads to my interesting responses to things.  What can I say... at least it makes you laugh.
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. ~Plato
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#496177 - 02/09/06 06:41 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
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Posts: 221
indeed, thats the fun of it
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#496179 - 02/09/06 06:54 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
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Posts: 221
haha, are you vegan?
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#496180 - 02/09/06 06:55 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
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#496181 - 02/09/06 06:57 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
I think it's pretty stupid to call your girlfriend stupid.
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#496182 - 02/09/06 06:58 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
Joined: Feb 2006
Posts: 221
I didn't call her stupid, I said she sometimes says things before she thinks them through. . .she's actually quite intelligent and a voracious reader, maybe you shouldn't transmogrify what I say
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#496183 - 02/09/06 07:00 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
Diamond Poster
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New Mexico
He didn't call his gf stupid. He said that some of the things she says are stupid. HUGE difference.
Are you ready for some football?
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#496185 - 02/09/06 07:03 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
I didn't call her stupid, I said she sometimes says things before she thinks them through. . .she's actually quite intelligent and a voracious reader, maybe you shouldn't transmogrify what I say
What did you name the thread? Why didn't you name the thread "things people say before they think them through"?
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#496187 - 02/09/06 07:07 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
Joined: Feb 2006
Posts: 221
She said something stupid, yes, but SHE is not stupid. I mean we all say stupid things sometime or another, no one denies that. I mean think of all the stupid crap people don't say. . . X has a point, many times book smart individuals don't have much common sense.
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#496188 - 02/09/06 07:10 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
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Outside A Garage
"If meat is bad for you, why is it food?" Butthead
_________________________ guys, I'm going home
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#496189 - 02/09/06 07:10 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
Go to her and say, honey, I started this thread called Stupid Things People Say and I then I told them all of the things you say that I think are stupid. See how that goes for you. 
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#496190 - 02/09/06 07:11 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
Joined: Feb 2006
Posts: 221
I told her right after she said it that I was going to come on here and make a post about it. 
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#496191 - 02/09/06 07:12 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
I told her right after she said it that I was going to come on here and make a post about it.
Then your girlfriend is definitely a keeper because most women would keep your cajones in a jar for a month for making such a comment. Start saving for a big ring, my friend.
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#496192 - 02/09/06 07:13 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
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Posts: 221
Yeah, that's why i'm working at a bank 
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#496193 - 02/09/06 07:17 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
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Joined: Aug 2003
Posts: 7,332
Actually, ordering any hamburger is a stupid thing to do.
Ug have you seen what they're putting in beef these days? Not to mention any ethical reasons behind becoming a vegan. There's a book I was given called "Please Feed Me." I cannot remember the author at the moment, but it's an interesting mix of the punk lifestyle and eating habits, as most of them are vegans. At the very least you might get a new recipe out of it.
It's by Niall McGuirk and available at Amazon
Right now 35% of people 65-74 are obese and 40% of baby boomers are also obese.
Most of the posters here are not within the boomer generation, but I’ll bet are fat or obese. It’s all about eating fast food.
At the University of Georgia they are working on increasing the ‘marbling’ to make meat even fatter, starting with a focus on pigs with cows next. They’re adding thiazolidinediones, a class of diabetes drugs, to livestock feed to accomplish the goal.
Well, at least they are not using horse urine, like in the Premarin (hormone) formula. I can’t imagine consuming horse urine. Now that would be stupid!
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#496194 - 02/09/06 07:19 PM
Re: Stupid Things People Say
100 Club
Joined: Feb 2006
Posts: 221
haha, what else do you know about these 'thiazolidinediones' - are they causing a large secretion of insulin/glucose?
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