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#498157 - 02/17/06 09:09 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

whittington press conference today a sham. whittington is in a coma near death at meeninger clinic in kansas. man today in press conference was not whittington. cheney was on a drunken extra marital spree in texas when he shot the victim the real whiitington who crossed halliburton in a deal for north sea oild rig platform construction and maintenance in 1997 so you know he had to die and will soon you watch this story is not over yet by any means or strrecth. the evil ppupetmaster will be caught.

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#498158 - 02/17/06 09:13 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

uh huh. They will keep him alive at least through the Sunday news shows, then take him off the tubes, right?

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#498159 - 02/17/06 09:46 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


whittington press conference today a sham. whittington is in a coma near death at meeninger clinic in kansas. man today in press conference was not whittington. cheney was on a drunken extra marital spree in texas when he shot the victim the real whiitington who crossed halliburton in a deal for north sea oild rig platform construction and maintenance in 1997 so you know he had to die and will soon you watch this story is not over yet by any means or strrecth. the evil ppupetmaster will be caught.

No kidding? Can you site sources for this? It's a little too tin foil hat for me. No offense.

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#498160 - 02/17/06 09:57 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer



You thought I meant kill all Iraqis.

No, I was pretty certain you meant to kill all Sunni Muslims.

In the meantime, I'll change your nickname from chucklehead to something else that will at least re-use seven of the letters.

That is not at all what I meant and you know it. You just don't want to admit you just got handed one. Cya on the other side pwned.

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#498161 - 02/17/06 09:59 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


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#498162 - 02/17/06 09:59 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer




You thought I meant kill all Iraqis.

No, I was pretty certain you meant to kill all Sunni Muslims.

In the meantime, I'll change your nickname from chucklehead to something else that will at least re-use seven of the letters.

That is not at all what I meant and you know it. You just don't want to admit you just got handed one. Cya on the other side pwned.

so we are not confused, were you advocating ethnic or religious genocide? these semantics you are try to confuse people with are indeed confusing.

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#498163 - 02/17/06 10:00 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

Mr. Whittington's picture is posted on the Drudge Report as he was leaving the hospital. Poor old fella! That looks really painful!


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#498164 - 02/17/06 10:16 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer





You thought I meant kill all Iraqis.

No, I was pretty certain you meant to kill all Sunni Muslims.

In the meantime, I'll change your nickname from chucklehead to something else that will at least re-use seven of the letters.

That is not at all what I meant and you know it. You just don't want to admit you just got handed one. Cya on the other side pwned.

so we are not confused, were you advocating ethnic or religious genocide? these semantics you are try to confuse people with are indeed confusing.

Give it up. pwned

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#498165 - 02/17/06 10:18 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


Mr. Whittington's picture is posted on the Drudge Report as he was leaving the hospital. Poor old fella! That looks really painful!


Suzy it is a fake put up by Republicans. See he cannot be alive because the President and VP are blood thirsty killers. He is not alive, and I can prove it. Chaney took too long to respond. See that proves it.

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#498166 - 02/18/06 12:17 AM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer


I don't think we have handled this well, but I am at a loss as to what they could do differently.

The one thing we could have done differently is not to have invaded Iraq at all. We would have the additional military resources, money and world support that we could have used to confront real threats like al Qaeda, North Korea and Iran instead of taking out a toothless dictator like Hussein.

- the non-Ron anon

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#498167 - 02/18/06 01:47 AM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer



I don't think we have handled this well, but I am at a loss as to what they could do differently.

The one thing we could have done differently is not to have invaded Iraq at all. We would have the additional military resources, money and world support that we could have used to confront real threats like al Qaeda, North Korea and Iran instead of taking out a toothless dictator like Hussein.

- the non-Ron anon

the real ron agrees

although it is water under the bridge at this point... and not the bridge where we all of us anons live (eh, z? ) too bad we have people blindly defending our choice instead of trying to learn from it

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#498168 - 02/18/06 08:20 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

This incident shows that this administration can't shoot straight.

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#498169 - 02/19/06 04:00 PM Cheney story assured 1 more week at least

Newsweek's editor Mark Whitaker defends his decision to push for another week of Cheney-Shooting coverage [cover story this week,as does Time]: "The reason we ultimately decided to stick with a cover is not because of the hunting incident itself-although we did turn up some new details that you might not have read elsewhere-but because of what it says about the mysterious world of the most powerful vice president of recent times."

There just has to be something in this story for the media to stay with it for so long. I hope they find it soon.

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#498170 - 02/20/06 02:48 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer




I don't think we have handled this well, but I am at a loss as to what they could do differently.

The one thing we could have done differently is not to have invaded Iraq at all. We would have the additional military resources, money and world support that we could have used to confront real threats like al Qaeda, North Korea and Iran instead of taking out a toothless dictator like Hussein.

- the non-Ron anon

the real ron agrees

although it is water under the bridge at this point... and not the bridge where we all of us anons live (eh, z? ) too bad we have people blindly defending our choice instead of trying to learn from it

I don't see too many blindly supporting. You think if you support the war, it is blind support. My guess is that if you started a post where conservative posters here on BOL could post criticisms of the war effort, they'd have plenty. The problem is that here in the cooler everyone hunkers down on their side and doesn't give an inch. The attitudes of those on the left and right almost assure it. I think the thought is, "why would I give an inch to someone who just called my president an idiot" or "why would I give an inch to someone who just called me a betwetting pinko communist." In real, open communication, you'd see support of the war, with specific criticism, from those to the right.

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#498171 - 02/20/06 06:02 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

Right on. Ron thinks everyone who supports Bush does it blindly. While he blindly hates bush.

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#498172 - 02/21/06 05:54 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Quadspapa Offline
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 3,275
Quadrupletville, Texas
Even though VP Cheney is on Time and Newsweek, I think the Port Gate story will finally give this some rest.
"I don''t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." - - Will Rogers (still relevant today)

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#498173 - 02/21/06 08:11 PM Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A white house source stated that Congress is
considering awarding Vice-President Dick Cheney the Medal of Freedom,
the nation's highest civilian commendation, for his act of bravery in
shooting an attorney. The source was quoted to say, " All Americans
have wanted to shoot a lawyer at one time or another and Cheney
actually had the guts to do it". In a related story, the Texas Parks
and Wildlife Department, which issues hunting licenses, said that it
will start requiring hunters, wishing to bag a lawyer, to have the new
"lawyer's stamp" on their hunting license. Currently Texas hunters
are required to carry stamps for hunting birds, deer, and bear, at a
cost of $7 annually. The new "lawyers stamp" will cost $100, but open
season will be all year long. The department further stated that
although the "lawyers stamp" comes at hefty price, sales have been
brisk and it is believe it will generate annual revenues in excess of
$3 billion dollars the first year. Other states are considering
similar hunting stamps.

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