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#497883 - 02/13/06 06:55 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
I heard someone saying that the reason the lawyer got shot was because he did not follow the protocol. I have been hunting before and have never heard of a protocol to follow. Has anyone else heard this or where the voices in my head talking to loud?
If you did not know there is protocol in hunting, you are lucky you survived the hunting trip you went on. The time between spotting and shooting a quail or a dove is very short. Hunting these birds safely depends on everyone being where they are supposed to be.
Last edited by zaibatsu; 02/13/06 07:22 PM.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#497884 - 02/13/06 07:02 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
I heard someone saying that the reason the lawyer got shot was because he did not follow the protocol. I have been hunting before and have never heard of a protocol to follow. Has anyone else heard this or where the voices in my head talking to loud?
If you did not know there is protocol in hunting, you are lucky to survived the hunting trip you went on. The time between spotting and shooting a quail or a dove is very short. Hunting these birds safely depends on everyone being where they are supposed to be.
Just like convincing the nation that you made the right decision to go to war with Iraq requires the WMDs to be where they are supposed to be, right? Accidents happen.
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#497885 - 02/13/06 07:21 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
I heard someone saying that the reason the lawyer got shot was because he did not follow the protocol. I have been hunting before and have never heard of a protocol to follow. Has anyone else heard this or where the voices in my head talking to loud?
If you did not know there is protocol in hunting, you are lucky to survived the hunting trip you went on. The time between spotting and shooting a quail or a dove is very short. Hunting these birds safely depends on everyone being where they are supposed to be.
Just like convincing the nation that you made the right decision to go to war with Iraq requires the WMDs to be where they are supposed to be, right? Accidents happen.
Yep, just as surely as your pathetic posts will continue to pollute the Cooler.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#497886 - 02/13/06 07:22 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Some feel the same about your posts, Z.
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#497887 - 02/13/06 07:22 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
I heard someone saying that the reason the lawyer got shot was because he did not follow the protocol. I have been hunting before and have never heard of a protocol to follow. Has anyone else heard this or where the voices in my head talking to loud?
If you did not know there is protocol in hunting, you are lucky to survived the hunting trip you went on. The time between spotting and shooting a quail or a dove is very short. Hunting these birds safely depends on everyone being where they are supposed to be.
Just like convincing the nation that you made the right decision to go to war with Iraq requires the WMDs to be where they are supposed to be, right? Accidents happen.
Yep, just as surely as your pathetic posts will continue to pollute the Cooler.
which is as equally sure as bush polluting the executive office of our nation for the next 3 years.
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#497889 - 02/13/06 07:28 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
I heard someone saying that the reason the lawyer got shot was because he did not follow the protocol. I have been hunting before and have never heard of a protocol to follow. Has anyone else heard this or where the voices in my head talking to loud?
If you did not know there is protocol in hunting, you are lucky to survived the hunting trip you went on. The time between spotting and shooting a quail or a dove is very short. Hunting these birds safely depends on everyone being where they are supposed to be.
Just like convincing the nation that you made the right decision to go to war with Iraq requires the WMDs to be where they are supposed to be, right? Accidents happen.
Yep, just as surely as your pathetic posts will continue to pollute the Cooler.
which is as equally sure as bush polluting the executive office of our nation for the next 3 years.
Well, so much for discussing anything without you turning it into a political discourse on your hatred of GWB.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#497890 - 02/13/06 07:30 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Some feel the same about your posts, Z.
That's fair. My posts are clearly marked. Don't read them. Please identify your posts when you make them so I can stop reading them. I don't know how, maybe you could put up a warning like: WARNING THE FOLLOWING IS A PATHETIC POST DESPERATELY TRYING TO FIND SOME COMPARISON BETWEEN A HUNTING ACCIDENT AND THE WAR IN IRAQ.
I didn't make that post, but since you obviously view everyone on here as ignorant, we are all interchangable in your mind. Why don't you label yours something like WARNING, IF I DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SAY I WILL CALL YOU NAMES AND GENERALLY DISPARAGE YOU INSTEAD OF HAVING AN ADULT CONVERSATION.
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#497891 - 02/13/06 07:34 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Diamond Poster
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 1,717
I did laugh my pretty hard when I read this story, especially since noone was hurt badly. That said, everyone wants to make Cheney look irresponsible when the truth is, these types of accidents are not infrequent. Anyone that has ever been quail hunting knows that it can potentially be dangerous. The time you have between when the quail are "flushed" and the time when they are out of range is very very short. Quail fly fast! On top of that, you never know which direction the cubbies of quail will fly. I do not know the exact number of accidents each year, but I know they happen fairly often. There is protocol and a lot of this should be explained in any required hunting safety course. However, Cheney, because of his age, is exempt from having to take this course. That may explain it! 
[i] Just keep Livin -Matthew McConaughey[i]
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#497892 - 02/13/06 07:39 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,545
Anywhere I want to be
I heard someone saying that the reason the lawyer got shot was because he did not follow the protocol. I have been hunting before and have never heard of a protocol to follow. Has anyone else heard this or where the voices in my head talking to loud?
The only protocol that I am aware of is know where your hunters are and shoot within your zone. But he was on a hunting preserve. They try to shoot anything anyways, so this doesn't surprize me. It happens all the time. When I saw the landowner's comments, I figured he was trying to cover his butt.
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#497893 - 02/13/06 07:41 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
I did laugh my pretty hard when I read this story, especially since noone was hurt badly. That said, everyone wants to make Cheney look irresponsible when the truth is, these types of accidents are not infrequent. Anyone that has ever been quail hunting knows that it can potentially be dangerous. The time you have between when the quail are "flushed" and the time when they are out of range is very very short. Quail fly fast! On top of that, you never know which direction the cubbies of quail will fly. I do not know the exact number of accidents each year, but I know they happen fairly often.
There is protocol and a lot of this should be explained in any required hunting safety course. However, Cheney, because of his age, is exempt from having to take this course. That may explain it!
Finally, someone from Texas who knows something about quail hunting and has probably himself had pellets fall his way. I have been attempting to show how ludicrous it is to blame anyone for a quail hunting accident until all the facts are in, particularly where early reports are that the person shot was out of place. Yes, in quail hunting there are places you should not stand and if you do, it is your fault if you get shot. If Cheney was at fault, he should pay whatever consequences.
If you think I have no humor about this, you have not read this entire thread.
As to the angry anons (there seem to be more than one), I've got nothing to be ashamed of in this thread. And I don't think anyone who doesn't automatically blame Cheney or tie this to the War are ignorant. Take all the "shots" you want.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#497895 - 02/13/06 07:43 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
I heard someone saying that the reason the lawyer got shot was because he did not follow the protocol. I have been hunting before and have never heard of a protocol to follow. Has anyone else heard this or where the voices in my head talking to loud?
The only protocol that I am aware of is know where your hunters are and shoot within your zone. But he was on a hunting preserve. They try to shoot anything anyways, so this doesn't surprize me. It happens all the time. When I saw the landowner's comments, I figured he was trying to cover his butt.
More than just know where the other hunters are. You and the other hunters should be where you are all supposed to be. When shooting time comes, no one has time to look around and make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#497896 - 02/13/06 07:58 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Diamond Poster
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 1,717
True protocol would also include bright orange clothing (although this is mostly for deer hunting). To be honest, I do not think I have ever actually worn orange clothing when I've been hunting, but that is besides the point.
Zaibatsu, these anons (who we all know are liberal) can defnitely be annoying. Just like their fellow democrats, they like to take cheap shots, kick you when your down, then run and hide so you can't really defend yourself.
[i] Just keep Livin -Matthew McConaughey[i]
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#497897 - 02/13/06 07:59 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Some feel the same about your posts, Z.
That's fair. My posts are clearly marked. Don't read them. Please identify your posts when you make them so I can stop reading them. I don't know how, maybe you could put up a warning like: WARNING THE FOLLOWING IS A PATHETIC POST DESPERATELY TRYING TO FIND SOME COMPARISON BETWEEN A HUNTING ACCIDENT AND THE WAR IN IRAQ.
I didn't make that post, but since you obviously view everyone on here as ignorant, we are all interchangable in your mind. Why don't you label yours something like WARNING, IF I DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SAY I WILL CALL YOU NAMES AND GENERALLY DISPARAGE YOU INSTEAD OF HAVING AN ADULT CONVERSATION.
BOO! Go away angry anon!!!!
I know you think you are the boss of the cooler, but unless an owner asks me to leave, I am not going anyplace.
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#497899 - 02/13/06 08:06 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Zaibatsu, these anons (who we all know are liberal) can defnitely be annoying. Just like their fellow democrats, they like to take cheap shots, kick you when your down, then run and hide so you can't really defend yourself.
Who exactly is down? I realize all you Republicans are morally upright and would never do something so vicious as calling people PATHETIC (ooops - nevermind).
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#497900 - 02/13/06 08:09 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Diamond Poster
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 1,717
Zaibatsu, these anons (who we all know are liberal) can defnitely be annoying. Just like their fellow democrats, they like to take cheap shots, kick you when your down, then run and hide so you can't really defend yourself.
Who exactly is down? I realize all you Republicans are morally upright and would never do something so vicious as calling people PATHETIC (ooops - nevermind).
I was wondering how long it was going to take. Nine minutes, how did you keep quite for that long?
[i] Just keep Livin -Matthew McConaughey[i]
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#497901 - 02/13/06 08:11 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
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#497902 - 02/13/06 08:13 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
How do you keep "quite"?
easy. that was a typo. if anon said that "steven IS a bias failure" then we may have a problem 
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#497903 - 02/13/06 08:15 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
How do you keep "quite"?
easy. that was a typo. if anon said that "steven IS a bias failure" then we may have a problem
Ah, I see now. Hey, isn't Texas Boy the same one who wants all those foreigners to learn English cause Andy Rooney said so? 
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#497904 - 02/13/06 08:17 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 3,275
Quadrupletville, Texas
Hey Z and Texas Boy, why waste time yapping with all these unregistereds or anons? Anyway, I went home for lunch and switched the ole tube on and made the rounds....CNN, MSNBC, and Fox...I can't believe how the media is treating this incident. Like Texas Boy said, this happens ever so often and guys get hit with bird shot. No laws were broken, but press is going bananas over it not being reported to the White House press corp for over a day. Big Hairy freaking deal!
"I don''t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." - - Will Rogers (still relevant today)
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#497905 - 02/13/06 08:18 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 3,275
Quadrupletville, Texas
Oh yeah, for all of you who haven't tasted quail, it is delicious!
"I don''t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." - - Will Rogers (still relevant today)
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#497906 - 02/13/06 08:19 PM
Re: VP Cheney nails some quail & 1 lawyer
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
Oh yeah, for all of you who haven't tasted quail, it is delicious!
Sure, but how does lawyer taste?
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