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#580743 - 07/09/06 10:09 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Fraudman CFCI Offline
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Fraudman CFCI
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Land of Steady Habits
Taps, for the words and meaning of the music. Whether at a local cemetary or at Arlington, it is the most moving piece of music I have ever experienced. And, it is so final!

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#580744 - 07/09/06 11:09 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Jokerman Offline
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I didn't know Taps had words, so I had to look them up - here they are, in case, like me, someone would be interested to read them:

Day is done,
gone the sun,
From the hills,
from the lake,
From the skies.
All is well,
safely rest,
God is nigh.

Go to sleep,
peaceful sleep.
May the soldier
or sailor,
God keep.
On the land
or the deep,
Safe in sleep.

Love, good night,
Must thou go,
When the day,
And the night
Need thee so?
All is well.
Speedeth all
To their rest.

Fades the light;
And afar
Goeth day,
And the stars
Shineth bright,
Fare thee well;
Day has gone,
Night is on.

Thanks and praise,
For our days,
'Neath the sun,
Neath the stars,
'Neath the sky,
As we go,
This we know,
God is nigh.

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#580745 - 07/09/06 11:47 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....

What a couple of dorks.

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#580746 - 07/10/06 01:06 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....


What a couple of dorks.

You only say that because you think "Back in Black" should be the national anthem. What a cool person you are!

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#580747 - 07/10/06 01:11 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
MB Guy Offline
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Way, way south.

What a couple of dorks.

What a j@ck@zz YOU are.
Giddy up.

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#580748 - 07/10/06 01:20 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Bengals Fan Offline
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What a couple of dorks.

You only say that because you think "Back in Black" should be the national anthem. What a cool person you are!

No, you see your theory would require that he was capable of thinking. That's his problem, there are no thoughts.

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#580749 - 07/10/06 01:26 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
MichelleDawn Offline
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I thought of a couple more:

Footloose - Kenny Loggins
Little Miss Can't Be Wrong - Spin Doctors
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

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#580750 - 07/10/06 01:47 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
RVFlyboy Offline
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Soaring over Georgia
How Great Thou Art
It Is Well With My Soul (esp. last verse)
The Majesty and Glory of Your Name
Midnight Cry
American Pie - Don McLean original version
Vincent - also Don McLean
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
My posts - my opinions

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#580751 - 07/10/06 01:59 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
MichelleDawn Offline
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How Great Thou Art
It Is Well With My Soul (esp. last verse)
The Majesty and Glory of Your Name
Midnight Cry
American Pie - Don McLean original version
Vincent - also Don McLean

I have the hymn All is Well with My Soul burned on wood and hanging on my wall. It's very moving.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

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#580752 - 07/10/06 02:50 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....

Some of my favorite hymns are:

Near to the Heart of God
O Sacred Head
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
In the Garden
The Old Rugged Cross
Blessed Assurance
Softy and Tenderly Jesus is Calling
Amazing Grace
O, For a Thousand Tongues

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#580753 - 07/10/06 03:33 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Fork Ate Spoon Offline
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Fork Ate Spoon
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Between Here and There
Ill Nino - With You

Damien Rice - Pretty much any song (just saw him in concert!)

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

Mad at Gravity - Burn

Incubus - I Miss You

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#580754 - 07/10/06 04:22 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....


Damien Rice - Pretty much any song (just saw him in concert!)

How was it? Does he play solo or with a band?

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#580755 - 07/10/06 04:31 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Fork Ate Spoon Offline
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Fork Ate Spoon
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Between Here and There


Damien Rice - Pretty much any song (just saw him in concert!)

How was it? Does he play solo or with a band?

It was really good! He plays with a band. He sounded incredible and is a great performer. He told several stories that gave background on many of the songs, and he downed four glasses of wine in about 2 minutes. This was a birthday present for a friend and she loved it.

Unfortunately he was opening up for Fiona Apple who was horrible. . We left after three of her songs. To her defense, we weren't fans of hers in the first place.

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#580756 - 07/10/06 09:43 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....


Unfortunately he was opening up for Fiona Apple who was horrible. . We left after three of her songs. To her defense, we weren't fans of hers in the first place.

I'm glad you liked DR. Did he play "Blower's Daughter?" I've heard that song is about his clarinet teacher's daughter and that he recorded it for his CD with her sitting in the room. I'd like to see him live too.

I guess Fiona Apple is an acquired taste. I don't know too much of her music, but I do like "Incredible Machine."

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#580757 - 07/10/06 09:55 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Fork Ate Spoon Offline
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Fork Ate Spoon
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Between Here and There


Unfortunately he was opening up for Fiona Apple who was horrible. . We left after three of her songs. To her defense, we weren't fans of hers in the first place.

I'm glad you liked DR. Did he play "Blower's Daughter?" I've heard that song is about his clarinet teacher's daughter and that he recorded it for his CD with her sitting in the room. I'd like to see him live too.

I guess Fiona Apple is an acquired taste. I don't know too much of her music, but I do like "Incredible Machine."

Yeah he played Blowers Daughter, it was very well done. The best part is that towards the end of the song he broke out into Radioheads Creep and then went back and ended his song. Very cool.

He did The Professor, Volcano, Woman Like a Man, Blowers Daughter, a song from his new album, Cannonball, Amie, Cheers Darlin, and ended with I Remember (best song of them all).

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#580758 - 07/10/06 11:50 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Texas Boy Offline
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Proud to be an American-Lee Greenwood

Take my breath away-Yeah, I know it's gay.

Amarillo by Morning-George Strait
[i] Just keep Livin -Matthew McConaughey[i]

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#580759 - 07/11/06 03:06 AM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....


He did The Professor, Volcano, Woman Like a Man, Blowers Daughter, a song from his new album, Cannonball, Amie, Cheers Darlin, and ended with I Remember (best song of them all).

I've only heard his "O" album. I forgot about Cannonball. That's a good song too.

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#580760 - 07/11/06 03:27 AM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.
What a Wonderful World and
I'll Be Seeing You

I'll be seeing you;
In all the old, familiar places;
That this heart of mine embraces;
All day through.

In that small cafe;
The park across the way;
The childrens carousel;
The chestnut tree;
The wishing well.

I'll be seeing you;
In every lovely, summers day;
And everything thats bright and gay;
I'll always think of you that way;
I'll find you in the morning sun;
And when the night is new;
I'll be looking at the moon;
But I'll be seeing you.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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#580761 - 07/11/06 11:54 AM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
pjs Offline
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Independence Day- Martina McBride
Proud to be an American- Lee Greenwood
The Beaches of Cheyenne- Garth Brooks
Don't take the Girl- Tim McGraw
The Thunder Rolls- Garth Brooks

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#580762 - 07/11/06 07:14 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Happy Birthday Gregk Offline
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The Dark Side of the Moon
The Air That I Breathe- The Hollies
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day

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#580763 - 07/11/06 07:28 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....

stone the crow: down
bury me in smoke: down
stare too long: corrosion of conformity
beyond the realms of death: judas priest

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#580764 - 07/11/06 08:08 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
Carly Girl Offline
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Live Like You Were Dyin' - Tim McGraw
Let's Make Love - Tim & Faith
Last edited by That Girl; 07/11/06 08:09 PM.

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#580765 - 07/11/06 08:09 PM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....

I LOVE That song. Right before i went sky diving i listened to that.

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#580766 - 07/13/06 01:30 AM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....
*nUnZeO* Offline
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"what hurts the most is being so close and having so much to say and watching you walk away, and never knowing what could have been, seein that lovin you was what i was tying to do....." makes me want to cry
"When you want some thing, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"
Paulo Coelho

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#580767 - 07/17/06 10:51 AM Re: Songs that give you goosebumps....


Baby got back

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