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#603791 - 08/23/06 09:48 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!

Pass over the popcorn. Is anybody sitting in this lawn chair? Oh, and where are the tootise pops?

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#603792 - 08/23/06 09:50 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
MadisonCali Offline
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Pass over the popcorn. Is anybody sitting in this lawn chair? Oh, and where are the tootise pops?

Peepers stole them and is over there in the corner wrapping them in jerky
The beatings will continue until morale improves...

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#603793 - 08/23/06 09:57 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
MichelleDawn Offline
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Why should anyone care what threads someone reads/posts to. I agree with Suzy. I don't get the virtual bar. I don't even open that thread and read it anymore. I used to do it, but I never enjoyed it. I also don't care that people post in a private forum. Why can't we just post where we like, but be decent when we do it and not have anyone hold a grudge?

Sweetpea, that is the whole point of this thread, for each of us to make some tongue-in-cheek comment about someone - alas the name "Pick on each other thread" I don't think you need to get your feathers ruffled by Dave's comments. He is really a teddy bear at heart. Right Cubby?

Yep - I actually didn't even get that Sweetpeas was coming at me there. But I actually agree with SP - I don't think anyone should care. I was actually referring to people who made an issue out of it. Sorry if it didn't come off that way. I have tried a couple times to get some people out of the Private Forum and back to the cooler, but just to bring everyone together, not to try and dictate where people go or to bash them for not going somewhere. No offense meant Suzy and Sweetpeas

I wasn't coming at you. I was wondering why anyone would care where someone else chooses to post or not post. I wasn't offended and my feathers aren't ruffled, but some people can't live unless they are stirring the pot about SP. I pity them.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

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#603794 - 08/23/06 09:57 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
Beagles22 Offline
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I knew we could count on you X
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#603795 - 08/23/06 10:08 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!


Pass over the popcorn. Is anybody sitting in this lawn chair? Oh, and where are the tootise pops?

You can have a sit next to me )

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#603796 - 08/23/06 10:10 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!

Nope, no offense taken here either, CubDave. I think the virtual bar is funny and you guys do seem to have a good time in there. I just feel too inhibited to join in. Now, if it was real alcohol I guess I could lose my inhibitions quickly!


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#603797 - 08/23/06 10:11 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...

Why can't we just post where we like, but be decent when we do it

SP, that's a good one, esp. the part about being decent...ROFLMFAO
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time

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#603798 - 08/23/06 10:26 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!



Why can't we just post where we like, but be decent when we do it

SP, that's a good one, esp. the part about being decent...ROFLMFAO

YOU are just as much a part of the problem as anyone else. This post was uncalled for.

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#603799 - 08/23/06 10:31 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
corkygirl Offline
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Hey, you guys got an extra chair there I can sit in and watch the show? Popcorn sounds good and does go with the 3 ring circus this post has started, kind of interesting.

BTW, I don't frequent the virtual bar cause no one wants to get me my ice tea, it's too boring of a drink (that's me, boring )
Treading water in a hurricane

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#603800 - 08/23/06 10:35 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!

From my perspective, the "old timers" hold themselves out as being sooo much more mature, but look at who has taken the shots in this thread. It wouldn't break my heart if they stayed in the private cooler.

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#603801 - 08/24/06 02:53 AM Re: PIck on each other thread!
XODUS Offline
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I really don't like people who eat popcorn, it smells up the office and tempts me down the hallway. Uncalled for and unprofessional. Death to popcorn consumers.

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#603802 - 08/24/06 03:12 AM Re: PIck on each other thread!
Search_Me Offline
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ok...i'll start. ((debates whether to log out or not))

i don't like....i dunno. i dont really pi$$ anyone off and no one really pi$$es me off either. Well, for a bit I didn't liek RachelD cause all the BOL men kept talking to her based on her pic, buti that's subsided...i guess the thrill of her blondness wore off after a while

That's a dirty lie! I still think she's a hottie!

I hate all anonymous posters. Anyone too cowardly to posts their thoughts or positions without having a screename to identify them should but shunned by the community!

Also, "That Girl's" heel avatars are too distracting!

And Zamboni Driver has a cool screename and I'm annoyed I didn't use it first.

I'll think of more later...

FBH... I think ya mean... Search_Me ... That Girl has NEVER had an "heel" avatar.
She who dies with the most shoes WINS! grin

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#603803 - 08/24/06 11:51 AM Re: PIck on each other thread!
Hrothgar Geiger Offline
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I hate all anonymous posters. Anyone too cowardly to posts their thoughts or positions without having a screename to identify them should but shunned by the community!

I'm starting to think of anonymous posters as the illegal immigrants of BOL. They don't register (the simplest courtesy possible on the forum), don't participate in the banking related discussions, don't offer any value to other bankers in a quandry, but are perfectly content to suck up most of the resources of the water cooler (check the ratio of anonymous to registered users on any given day...)

Just a thought.

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#603804 - 08/24/06 12:00 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!

There are some of us anon's whose activity is watched. My boss is in and out of BOL and the cooler all the time, but yet he's told me not to, and he does watch to see if I post.

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#603805 - 08/24/06 12:29 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc...

YOU are just as much a part of the problem as anyone else. This post was uncalled for

Just pointing out the hilarity of the post, thats all...
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#603806 - 08/24/06 12:40 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
waldensouth Offline
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Okay, I had to look up 3 of the words in X's thread. How is plantigrade an insult - according to my dictionary is means walking the way humans walk, on the bottoms of their feet? I couldn't find arassive in the dictionary, however barratrous could apply to many in these threads - starting a quarrel.
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#603807 - 08/24/06 12:39 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
TB 12 Offline
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Why should anyone care what threads someone reads/posts to. I agree with Suzy. I don't get the virtual bar. I don't even open that thread and read it anymore. I used to do it, but I never enjoyed it. I also don't care that people post in a private forum. Why can't we just post where we like, but be decent when we do it and not have anyone hold a grudge?

Sweetpea, that is the whole point of this thread, for each of us to make some tongue-in-cheek comment about someone - alas the name "Pick on each other thread" I don't think you need to get your feathers ruffled by Dave's comments. He is really a teddy bear at heart. Right Cubby?

Yep - I actually didn't even get that Sweetpeas was coming at me there. But I actually agree with SP - I don't think anyone should care. I was actually referring to people who made an issue out of it. Sorry if it didn't come off that way. I have tried a couple times to get some people out of the Private Forum and back to the cooler, but just to bring everyone together, not to try and dictate where people go or to bash them for not going somewhere. No offense meant Suzy and Sweetpeas

I wasn't coming at you. I was wondering why anyone would care where someone else chooses to post or not post. I wasn't offended and my feathers aren't ruffled, but some people can't live unless they are stirring the pot about SP. I pity them.

Just curious-how/where was the pot stirred?
Best QB Ever. Worst Defense Ever.

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#603808 - 08/24/06 01:13 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
Miscuit Offline
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Nope, no offense taken here either, CubDave. I think the virtual bar is funny and you guys do seem to have a good time in there. I just feel too inhibited to join in. Now, if it was real alcohol I guess I could lose my inhibitions quickly!


Suz...I have a new "mission"...I'm gonna get you in that virtual bar yet!

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#603809 - 08/24/06 01:46 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
Just Suzy Offline
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Nope, no offense taken here either, CubDave. I think the virtual bar is funny and you guys do seem to have a good time in there. I just feel too inhibited to join in. Now, if it was real alcohol I guess I could lose my inhibitions quickly!


Suz...I have a new "mission"...I'm gonna get you in that virtual bar yet!

I love a good challenge, Ms. Biscuit!! I don't have to dance on the bar, do I?


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#603810 - 08/24/06 01:52 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!




Nope, no offense taken here either, CubDave. I think the virtual bar is funny and you guys do seem to have a good time in there. I just feel too inhibited to join in. Now, if it was real alcohol I guess I could lose my inhibitions quickly!


Suz...I have a new "mission"...I'm gonna get you in that virtual bar yet!

I love a good challenge, Ms. Biscuit!! I don't have to dance on the bar, do I?


LOL!! Dancin' on the bar is optional (but when we get done with ya'...that might not be the only thing you'll be doing!)

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#603811 - 08/24/06 01:55 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
XODUS Offline
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There are some of us anon's whose activity is watched. My boss is in and out of BOL and the cooler all the time, but yet he's told me not to, and he does watch to see if I post.

You realize that if your boss really wanted to know he could find out whether you logged on or not.

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#603812 - 08/24/06 07:45 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
Carly Girl Offline
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Okay, lets really do some pickin' here: pick the top three people you would like to see booted out of the cooler!

That should stir the pot some...........and my name better not be mentioned

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#603813 - 08/24/06 07:48 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
Miscuit Offline
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Nope, no offense taken here either, CubDave. I think the virtual bar is funny and you guys do seem to have a good time in there. I just feel too inhibited to join in. Now, if it was real alcohol I guess I could lose my inhibitions quickly!


Suz...I have a new "mission"...I'm gonna get you in that virtual bar yet!

I love a good challenge, Ms. Biscuit!! I don't have to dance on the bar, do I?


LOL!! Dancin' on the bar is optional (but when we get done with ya'...that might not be the only thing you'll be doing!)

Oops...this was me.

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#603814 - 08/24/06 07:48 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!


Okay, lets really do some pickin' here: pick the top three people you would like to see booted out of the cooler!

That should stir the pot some...........and my name better not be mentioned

Do you realize a thread like that was started once before and deleted by the moderators because it was deemed inappropriate? Why would you want to start such a mean spirited discussion about kicking people off?

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#603815 - 08/24/06 07:50 PM Re: PIck on each other thread!
Roger That Offline
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Roger That
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I don't care to see any booted out of here.
Some therapy for some folks would be nice to see.

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