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#634276 - 11/06/06 07:24 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 20,035
Pulling people out of the ditc...
They didn't advocate posting documents that would compromise our security, but they did not use sound judgement in not reviewing the documents first
So if I'm reading you correctly, you are saying their defense is..."oops, my bad."
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#634277 - 11/06/06 07:25 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
"reviewing the documents first"
Uh, hello? Shouldn't the DNI (his office) do this? Isn't that why they are there???
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#634280 - 11/06/06 07:28 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
Power Poster
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"reviewing the documents first"
Uh, hello? Shouldn't the DNI (his office) do this? Isn't that why they are there???
If you're going to demand that the DNI make something available...don't you think you (or your staff) should have the common sensse to read just what exactly it is that you're demanding be released to the public?
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#634281 - 11/06/06 07:55 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
It wasn't one item! It was a whole plethora of documents. Hoekstra's position was that the part of it that was safe to disclose ought to be disclosed; it is the DNI's job to determine what portion that is - now, what part of that is not simple common sense?
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#634283 - 11/06/06 08:37 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
They did not demand that he publish ALL of them. They requested that he publish the ones that could be published without harming security. Again, I don't understand the problem with that.
Imagine I made a mistake filing our quarterly financials, and published all of our customer's names and account balances. Would it make sense to blame the SEC?
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#634285 - 11/06/06 08:43 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
I don't think you are understanding the analogy. The congressmen requested that the DNI disclose documents that were safe to disclose. His staff screwed up and disclosed documents that were not safe to disclose.
Similarly, the SEC requires financial disclosures. If I were to screw up and disclose confidential customer information that was not supposed to be disclosed, would that be on my head, or the SEC's - obviously, you agree that this would be my mistake, not the SEC's.
I don't see how you cannot see that the analogous mistake rests with the DNI, and not the congressmen.
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#634288 - 11/06/06 08:59 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
Your concerns about his intelligence are irrelevant to this discussion. He may be as dumb as a doorknob, but that's not what the problem was here.
Here is a recap of the situation:
1) Intelligence community did not want to release documents.
2) Hoekstra did, and introduced a bill that would have required their release, absent a certification from the DNI that releasing any particular document would present a security risk.
3) DNI relented, and agreed to create a process to declassify and release documents; as a result, Hoekstra let the bill drop.
4) DNI released something that apparently should not have been released.
5) This is reported by "whistleblowers" to the NYT, rather than to the DNI. (Gee, I wonder which was more likely to draw the attention of any rogue states?)
6) The NYT uses the story to attempt to discredit Republicans in Congress immediately prior to the election, apparently forgetting that it showed Saddam had not given up his attempts to develop WMD.
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#634290 - 11/06/06 09:20 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 20,035
Pulling people out of the ditc...
you guys need to start PMing each other...maybe meet for lunch or an after dinner boxing match
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#634291 - 11/06/06 09:25 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
Sorry, Happy - didn't mean to make you jealous.
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#634292 - 11/06/06 10:47 PM
Re: Are there no more secrets?
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 20,035
Pulling people out of the ditc...
if you choose the boxing match, let me know and I'll promote it. we can make a few bucks, i'm sure
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time
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