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#635647 - 11/08/06 03:42 PM Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice
Norman Offline
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I just read an update to the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 which under Sec. 106(c)(5)(A)(ii)(IV)mentions a notice to servicemembers. This was in the FDIC Report Bulletin No.10. August 31, 2006.

Does anyone know where I can find a copy of the notice explaining the mortgage and foreclosure rights of servicemembers, and the dependents of such servicemembers, including the toll-free military one source number to call if servicemembers or their dependents require further assistance. Is this just for FHA loans or conventional mortgages too?

I don't remember hearing anything about this. Any assistance would be appreciated.

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#635648 - 11/17/06 11:47 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice
Andy_Z Offline
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I am not familiar with the FDIC bulletin you mention. But I don't know why this isn't the HUD Homeownership Counseling Notice HUD already has required under this law. That notice doesn't use the term "servicemember" but it is the same as far as I can tell.
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#643172 - 11/28/06 05:27 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Andy_Z
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HUD has published a Servicemembers Civil Relief Notice dated 11-20-2006(Mortgage Letter 2006-28). The notice must be sent to all homeowners in default on residential mortgage within 45 days from date of missed payment and include a toll free military phone number.

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#643474 - 11/28/06 09:23 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice wanted
Clayton Offline
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The mortgage letter has the notice as an attachment. Will this be a one time notice, or will the notice be required each time the servicemember is past due?
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#645312 - 11/30/06 10:44 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Clayton
Tesla Offline
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The "notice" is really a letter! This is going to have be an additional document to the HUD Counseling notice that we print on the past due notice which is about 3"x5".
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#646392 - 12/04/06 03:59 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Clayton
Tesla Offline
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I don't see where this letter tells us we only have to send it once, so I think we will send it everytime they are 45 days past due. Also, I think we send it to all homeowners not just servicemembers. It says "Be sent to all homeowners who are in default on a residential mortgage." I suppose this is in case the defaulting party is a dependent of the servicemember?!?!? What do you think?

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#646455 - 12/04/06 05:20 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Tesla
goingtoexperts Offline
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The notice in attachment 1 is titled Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Notice. I would assume this only needs to be sent to borrowers/servicemembers who have enacted the provisions afforded under the SCRA and are 45 days delinquent. However, there is probably no harm in sending the notice to all deliquents. Does anyone have any more detail or information on this notice? Thank you.
Last edited by goingtoexperts; 12/04/06 06:32 PM.
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#646538 - 12/04/06 06:33 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice goingtoexperts
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More scuttlebut: I heard somewhere that the notice for military personnel has to be separate from the HUD counseling notice. Has anyone heard the same thing or can provide more info?

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#646574 - 12/04/06 06:54 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice goingtoexperts

From reading this I don't think that an institution can wait until the servicemember is 45 days late, due to the statement

"Be made within 45 days from the date a missed payment was due, unless the homeown pays the overdue amount before the expiration of the 45 day period."

To me it means that the servicemeber must be notified prior to him/her being 45 days deliquent.

Also, I think that if you are holding a HUD loan and the customer is past due on whatever day limit you set, you must send this notice to them whether they are covered by SCRA or not. After reading the notice a few more times, it appears to be for the homeowner who does not know that they are covered by the SCRA and this gives them notice that they are protected and have legal rights.
Last edited by Seadevil; 12/04/06 07:08 PM.
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#646815 - 12/04/06 10:55 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice
Ninky Offline
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Is this only for HUD loans, all mortgage loans or all 1-4 real estate secured loans, i.e. Home Equity, HELOC and Home Improvement?

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#647023 - 12/05/06 03:54 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Ninky
goingtoexperts Offline
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Researching further, it is my understanding this applies to any loan on a principal dwelling, open or closed, and without any regard to lien position. This applies to servicemember's or their dependents and does not require the servicemember to be a a borrower on the loan. Therefore, this notice would need to be sent to all deliquent applicants to ensure a borrower which may be a service member dependent is sent the notice. Please let me know if anyone has additional information. Thanks!

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#647192 - 12/05/06 06:04 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice goingtoexperts
Beagles22 Offline
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Is this indicative of an 800 number for homeownership counseling or an 800 number for the financial institution? Our bank does not have an 800 number...

Does anyone have a link to this? I must have glazed it over thinking it was the original 3x5 notice I already send.
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#647356 - 12/05/06 07:34 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Ninky
goingtoexperts Offline
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This link will take you to HUD's FHA Mortgagee Letters. This particular letter is the first letter under 2006 letters. Doc Number 06-28.

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#647503 - 12/05/06 09:34 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice goingtoexperts
Beagles22 Offline
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THANKS!! I appreciate it.
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#648137 - 12/06/06 09:15 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Beagles22
Jae Offline
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I just spoke with someone at HUD's National Servicing Center. I was told this notice (#2006-28) supersedes all prior counceling notices, and applies to all principal dwelling loans regardless of military status. Our counceling notice comes out on our 15 day past due notice. If we add the phone number for the SCRA requirements, and identify it as such, to the past due notice, will we still be in compliance? I didn't get into this with the Service Representative, she was difficult to understand and rude.

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#648167 - 12/06/06 09:39 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Jae
goingtoexperts Offline
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I also have had some difficulty getting clear answers. Does this need to go out every time a borrower is 45 days deliquent? Is this retroactive back to June 5? Does anyone have a link to the original HUD notice on this issue back in June? Thanks!

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#648443 - 12/07/06 02:55 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice goingtoexperts
jap Offline
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I know there is a severe lack of information on this matter but I wanted to see how other banks are setting this up. Must the notice be addressed to every borrower on the loan in question, or is sending the notice to the primary borrower acceptable? (I realize I'm probably soliciting opinions more than anything else since HUD has not seen fit to explain this new requirement very thoroughly.)
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#648447 - 12/07/06 02:59 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice wanted
CalifDreamin Offline
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We understood the notification requirements to be limited only to HUD insured loans due to this statement in the HUD Mortgagee Letter: "All mortgage loans, including conventional mortgages and mortgages insured by HUD are subject to the notification requirement that became effective June 5, 2006." (emphasis added)

After I orginally typed that, I did a little more research, and I'm seeing that there was a bill to add this notice to the HUD Homeownership Counseling Notice if it's going to a service member or dependent of the service member. (S.B. 1814) I haven't been able to find the final result of that yet, though. Probably just as easy to just provide the notice with the other HUD notice.
Last edited by FlamingoGal; 12/07/06 03:13 PM.
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#648454 - 12/07/06 03:06 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice CalifDreamin
jap Offline
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I take that same passage to prove just the opposite. Conventional mortgages and mortgages insured by HUD are two different things. Both are included, per that citation.
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#648467 - 12/07/06 03:15 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice jap
CalifDreamin Offline
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You are right. I take back what I said.
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#648477 - 12/07/06 03:22 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice jap
goingtoexperts Offline
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I have spoken with 3 different people at HUD and here is what I was told:

The notice must be sent to all homeowners who are in default of a residential mortgage, both convectional and mortgages insured by HUD.

The notice must be sent within 45 days every time the homeowner is in default, not just the first time.

In the case of multiple applicants, only one notice is required to be sent to the address on the delinquent accounts. Separate notices for each applicant is not required.

If anyone has anything else, please share. Thanks!

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#648484 - 12/07/06 03:31 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice goingtoexperts
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I did a search on to see what I could find. Here's a link to what the Credit Union National Association told its members about this.
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#650008 - 12/11/06 01:40 AM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Reads Regs
Andy_Z Offline
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Back to my post of 11-17, how is this different than the notice being sent now? The law seemed to track back to that.
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#650097 - 12/11/06 03:16 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Andy_Z
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this whole thing is monumentally confusing after reading this thread and reading HUD which is monumentally confusing on its own and doesn't need and help.

1. what letter are you sending at 45 days?
2. where can i find a template for this letter?
3. is SCRA an addendum to this letter?

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#650195 - 12/11/06 05:16 PM Re: Mortgage and Foreclosure Rights Notice Andy_Z
upstateNY Offline
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Originally Posted By: Andy Z
Back to my post of 11-17, how is this different than the notice being sent now? The law seemed to track back to that.

Andy, it appears that the required notice (Attachment 1)would need to be sent. In addition, the toll free number is different. Other than that, the basic requirements seem to be the same.

The problem is that we will go from being able to provide the simple HUD statement and toll free number, to the lengthy notice of rights.

But, perhaps I'm simplifying this too much.

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