I am a little confused and looking for what others are doing:
UCC 4A requires the Beneficiary's bank to provide the Beneficiary with notification of the acceptance of a credit by midnight of the next funds transfer day. If the funds transfer comes via ACH, the Beneficiary's bank (RDFI) can decide not to provide the notice, IF the ACH will show on the Beneficiary's (Receiver's) statement AND IF the RDFI has provided a notice to the Receiver that the RDFI has chosen to use the NACHA rules and will not be providing the notice and the information will show up on the Receiver's statement.
Am I missing something???? Does anyone actually notify all of their customers that receive a corporate ACH credit on a daily basis???? Does everyone provide a notice that the bank will follow NACHA rules instead of UCC 4A??? Do you provide that at account opening or when????
Any thoughts would be appreciated!!!