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#661296 - 01/04/07 08:30 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse HRH Dawnie
gone Offline
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Dawnie, he is adorable!
Congratulations on the weight gain and thank goodness all is well.
I am so glad to hear from you.

btw, love the sig line.

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#661309 - 01/04/07 08:39 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse gone
Skittles Offline
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Dawnie - what an absolutely adorable picture. Thanks for making the change.
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#661318 - 01/04/07 08:45 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse HRH Dawnie
Patsy Cline Offline
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Patsy Cline
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Dawnie - so glad to hear from you!! It sounds like things are moving in the right direction for you... finally. Thank you for the picture. He is absolutely adorable. I hope you can really start having fun and enjoy your little boy! My son is now 5. It is amazing how fast time goes by... enjoy every second.
Michelle CRCM

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" ~ unknown

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#661321 - 01/04/07 08:46 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Skittles
Lestie G Offline

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He is precious - and I'm so thankful for the good news. Keep that boy eating and growing!! And shoo the moose away from the internet lines!!
Opinions my own.

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#661332 - 01/04/07 08:53 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Lestie G
Angel Eyes Offline
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Angel Eyes
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Thanks for taking the time to update us. We appreciate it! He is precious

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#661370 - 01/04/07 09:31 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Angel Eyes
*BUSTER* Offline
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In hades.
Miss Dawnie, you have no idea how much all of us missed you.
Gun nut who enjoys doughnuts!!!

I never finish anyth

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#661371 - 01/04/07 09:33 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Angel Eyes
HRH Okie Banker Offline
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He is the cutest thing ever (sorry any other moms). I got goose bumps when I read the post. I'm afraid that we were expecting the worst. It just put my job stress into perspective. Thanks for the wonderful news.
Just working here until I get my letter from Hogwarts.

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#661379 - 01/04/07 09:44 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse HRH Okie Banker
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.
Thanks for posting the pic Dawnie, Those are some mighty big ears he has.
Good luck at the drs. Celebrate with fries.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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#661380 - 01/04/07 09:45 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse CRAatBOK
cheekEE Offline
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What a cutie! I am so glad to hear that things are going better.
Some days good karma isn't worth the hassle.

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#661382 - 01/04/07 09:48 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse cheekEE
bubs63 Offline
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If he keeps adding weight you will need to start calling himm moose Not the cable chewing kind though.

I am glad you guys are doing well.

"truth does not occur in the database" - Actual search result on a goverment website

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#661413 - 01/04/07 10:13 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse bubs63
corkygirl Offline
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middle of the country
Oh Dawnie, it was soooooo good to hear from you and I love the picture!!! 18 lbs - wahooooo!!!

Pretty soon he'll be yelling at those moose to keep them away from the cable lines
Treading water in a hurricane

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#661417 - 01/04/07 10:16 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse bubs63
Sinatra Fan Offline
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Dawnie, thanks for the good news and the beautiful picture! Maybe the next Duct Tape Ball you can go as a chocolate moose!
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker

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#661505 - 01/05/07 12:32 AM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Sinatra Fan
Princess Leia Offline
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Dawnie - Kiwi told me that you posted. So relieved to hear that you are all hanging in there! Love the picture - now that's the smile I remember from one of your visits here! Take care!!
Duct tape is like the force: It has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.

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#661513 - 01/05/07 01:34 AM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Princess Leia
tahdah Offline
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Love hearing the good news. Was concerned as others that we hadn't heard from you in some time. Keep those fries coming! And keep the news coming. We all worry when we don't here from you.

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#661516 - 01/05/07 03:09 AM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse tahdah
SMQ, CRCM Offline
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Between the lines
WOW!!! So glad to hear that all is well. 18 pounds, who wouldda thunk it -- that is marvelous. Love the picture, he is gorgeous, just gorgeous. Of course, we should have know he would be, what with all these people praying for him.

Sounds like mom and dad are doing pretty well too. You even got your old profile working again! Thanks for sharing the great news.
NOLA is my Beach!

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#661529 - 01/05/07 12:05 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Countess Kiwi
Retired DQ Offline
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Turnpike Exit 10
He is adorable!!!
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#661550 - 01/05/07 01:21 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Retired DQ
P*Q Offline

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He's soooooo cute! I'm so glad you updated us, a lot of us were getting very worried!! Don't ever think we aren't thinking of your family! Sooooo glad to hear things are better.

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#661555 - 01/05/07 01:32 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse P*Q
waldensouth Offline
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FINALLY ABOVE the gnat line
So glad to hear from you, Dawnie AND to hear that all is well! The picture is great - he is a cutie. Next thing you know Eljay will be telling his teacher "the moose ate my homework!"
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

- Frederick Douglass

My Opinion Only.

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#661585 - 01/05/07 02:12 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse waldensouth
QCL Offline
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I'm posting again....I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture...

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#661598 - 01/05/07 02:26 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse QCL
RR Jen Offline
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RR Jen
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He's adorable wishes to you all!
I don't need any more negativity in my positive and helpful people or I will kick you in the shins!!!

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#661658 - 01/05/07 03:14 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse RR Jen
Okie Dokie Offline
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Okie Dokie
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Awww, he is so cute!!!! Good luck at the doctor's today!
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown

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#661936 - 01/05/07 07:01 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse Countess Kiwi
LoisLane Offline
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Wisteria Lane..
Dawn, this is great--starting a new year with good news. Thank Goodness. I hope this year will bring health and an end to all past medical problems.
And where is Superman when I need him?

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#662253 - 01/05/07 10:56 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse LoisLane
HRH Dawnie Offline
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HRH Dawnie
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I'm having fun playing with pictures now heh heh

Becca, that picture of our little Bear makes me want to snap her up and hug her for hours. She's such a beautiful little girl.

And then there's santa's little Okie Dokie baby :p I'd kill for those rosy cheeks!

And if I could just snap up those bumble bees and bottle that sweetness

Kiwi's little family is so sweet. I'm sometimes sad when I see those pictures because we started far too late to fill up a bench like she did :p

And then there's EGB's babies...Good gravy woman, they're gorgeous..but how big is that child? I know ya'll claim ya grow things big in Texas but sheesh! (What does that darling weigh now? And can we borrow some of whatever you're feeding the darling?)

Jesse didn't make his weight goal (short by 4 oz) yesterday, which was disapointing since we haven't had a failed weight goal in several weeks. We'd almost believed he was "well" but I guess he does not want us to get cocky.

Part of the problem is that he's developed an unreasonable fear of the scale (Now I understand a fear of scales...but he's not trying to lose weight darnit) :p It's hard to even get a weight because he's screaming and trembling so much and won't let go of me. He's been this way the last three times we went into the doctors office (we go weekly normally) actually ever since his shots (he had six to catch up). Funny thing is, he's not afraid of the doctors exam table, where he got the shots. I just don't get it.

I tried to take him early to "visit" the scale yesterday, and let him play with it and sit on it with his french fries, but even dressed he was scared. Not as bad as undressed though.

I don't want to hang my hat on that low weight, because he was never still enough to get a real figure, but just to be safe I've given up and purchased a medical scale for home so he can see it every day and get used to it. For us, weight is our most telling symptom of his problems, so we really can't afford bad figures, so what the heck...if ya'll ever need an accurate baby weight come visit us and we'll do it for free since I've now invested in the darn thing

Oh well, life has to challenge us a little every once in a while huh?

I'm running off to mix a banana with chocolate syrup and peanut butter for the baby's lunch. Healthy as can beeeeeee heh heh
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen

CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.

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#662281 - 01/05/07 11:22 PM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse HRH Dawnie
QCL Offline
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NW IL trick for us is to have "hospital toys."

Toys that Natalie only gets to play with during a clinic visit. Is there special toy that Jessie likes that you use for this?...want me to buy one?....guilt gifts for kids with medical-things are my specialty ;)(well mine and the foundation that I am a board member on...)

Which brings me to another thought....I'm going to PM you right now.

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#662328 - 01/06/07 12:54 AM Re: Happy Birthday Jesse QCL
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.
Dawnie, are his eyes as dark as the seem in the picture. I love his "little Man" outfit. Thanks for the comment on my Bees. I want to get their Christmas pic up soon. Hopefully before Easter.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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