Our bank, as with many others, offers discretionary O/D protection to some customers. That is, we will pay NSF items for certain customers up to a certain amount, depending on the customer's relationship (this O/D limit is not an approved line of credit).
Previously, we would list the O/D amount on the customer's ATM receipt if they had a discretionary limit. This limit would be included in their available balance. So, if the customer had an available balance of $300 and a discretionary O/D limit of $500, it would read as though the customer had an available balance of $800. We recently stopped listing the O/D limit because of possible violations of Regulation D.
Can anyone tell me if this is a violation of Reg. D or, if not, a violation of another regulation? Thanks!
Last edited by ryanmcabee; 01/23/07 05:30 PM.