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#82175 - 05/29/03 10:01 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Bob Hope
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
While we are going down Memory Lane, I would like to salute Bob Hope. I always enjoyed the Christmas Specials and the Road movies are some of my favorites. Happy 100th Birthday to Him!!
Bob Hope at 75: "Only the other day my doctor told me I had the heart of a 30-year-old."
Punch line due any second.
"I want to thank the guy in Houston who donated it."
At 83: "Actually, I feel that I've aged like a bottle of fine wine."
Wait for it.
"Of course, my cork is a little loose."
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#82178 - 05/30/03 11:56 AM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 13,965
You're exactly where I was 16 years ago this July. Horribly hot weather, storms that knocked out power for 5 days, and being 9 months pregnant. It wasn't a good mix, but well worth it.
My Opinions Only
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#82179 - 05/30/03 12:49 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
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On the Net
Warm and cozy, the last day of school and the only question is how soon I can get away from the office and into the sun or pool.
I'll take heat over cold any day and today should be in the lower 100s.
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#82181 - 05/30/03 02:04 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
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Joined: Jan 2002
Posts: 2,706
We are dealing with strong winds today....executive hair pieces are all over the place....
Beauty is only skin deep...but ugly goes all the way to the bone!
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#82182 - 05/30/03 02:08 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
Okay, it is now Friday and you've been talking about the weather, so I need to vent! Right before I moved up to Billings, Montana from Denver, I heard from everyone about how cold it is up here. Our official high yesterday was 94 degrees and I'm not looking forward to July.
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#82183 - 05/30/03 02:29 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
Platinum Poster
Joined: Feb 2003
Posts: 881
Big Sky Country
Okay, it is now Friday and you've been talking about the weather, so I need to vent! Right before I moved up to Billings, Montana from Denver, I heard from everyone about how cold it is up here. Our official high yesterday was 94 degrees and I'm not looking forward to July.
Yes, people so often focus on the cold that they neglect to say just how warm it gets here - for a few short months of the year, anyway! 
Eastern Montana can get especially hot. The rest of the state is usually a bit cooler. But look at the bright side - you have a longer growing season in Billings!
Also, just to make you feel a little better - it got unusually hot here in Bozeman yesterday too. My advice: get a fan - now, and open every window at night! Homes just aren't built with a/c up here. We installed a ceiling fan in almost every room of the house last fall (when all the fans went on clearance), and life is much more pleasant now.
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.
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#82184 - 05/30/03 02:42 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 96
Jackson, Michigan
In Michigan we are still waiting for summer to start, even though it officially started last weekend. It has been nice during the day, highs around 70, but every afternoon about 5:00 it rains (and more this weekend) our grass is getting tall..!! I was just happy to get through the Indy 500 last weekend without getting rained on.
But ya know today is Friday & Payday, who's complainin'?
"...It was just one of those racin' deals..."
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#82186 - 05/30/03 03:48 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
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Joined: Aug 2001
Posts: 7,390
My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R; My bologna has a second name, it's M-E-Y-E-R...
My bologna has a first's O-S-C-A-R. My bologna has a second's M-E-Y-E-R. Oh, I love to eat it everyday, and if you ask me "why?", I'll say: "'cause Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A."
I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner. That is what I'd really love to be. 'Cause if I were an Oscar Meyer weiner, Everyone would be in love with me.
Wienerschnitzel, Wienerschnitzel, This must be the place. Drive up and they'll cram a great big hot dog in your face.
Jingle Jukebox
The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.......
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#82187 - 05/30/03 03:52 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
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On the Net
"That is what I'd really love to be."
I think it was "...truly love to be e e "
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#82188 - 05/30/03 03:54 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
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Joined: May 2002
Posts: 3,608
Near the Land of Enchantment
"I'd like to teach the world to sing In perfect harmony..."
My mother says that no matter what I was doing (playing, crying, sleeping, etc.) I would run to the TV to listen and sing along with this one! I've always liked commercials more than shows!
Opinions my own.
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#82191 - 05/30/03 04:05 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 564
South Carolina
OK, it is warm and sunny in beautiful South Carolina, but I have a funny story to tell on Friday Frivolity. I was talking to my son on-line last night and got a kick out of this...after almost four years of trying to get a break in his acting career, he finally got THE CALL to shoot a pilot for his group's own sketch comedy show on cable. He was totally blown away last week when they wrapped up production and he got paid $8600, the most money he's seen since arriving in LA. He proudly took it to the bank so he could pay managers, agents, attorneys, the landlord, his girlfriend for money he's borrowed (I think mom will have to wait a little longer  )- and you guessed it - they put a non-local (NY) large deposit exception hold on his check. He said he could get $4900 in five days and the remainder of $3600 on the 11th day. Imagine that?  I gave him a quick course on Reg CC and now I think he understands what I do at the bank a little better. Ain't that a kicker?
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#82193 - 05/30/03 04:28 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 96
Jackson, Michigan
My Mom bought a new Envoy SUV and paid cash for it, she started complaining to me about all the information the Dealer wanted for a form they had to file with the government. "Why the heck do they want to know what our occupations are? It's none of their business" I explained, "Mom, this is what I do everyday, This is not the dealer's fault, it's the law." Then she said, "When we took the same amount of cash out of the bank, they didn't ask all of those questions. Then they called us and wanted all kinds of information." "But Mom, you don't understand.."
"...It was just one of those racin' deals..."
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#82194 - 05/30/03 04:32 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Lost and Found
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 1,454
I've always liked commercials more than shows!
We record the superbowl and preshow every year to send to my brother overseas. He only wants it for the commercials. (They will show the game on military tv but they leave out the commercials.)
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.
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#82196 - 05/30/03 05:13 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Bob Hope
Amen to that..I grew up on the Bob Hope Christmas Specials and could not wait for him to introduce the All American Football teams. I was a big Bob fan and a big college football fan. Unfortunately, I was so broke in college that when he filmed a special at our campus, I could not afford to go.
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#82197 - 05/30/03 05:18 PM
Re: Friday Frivolity--Bob Hope
Power Poster
Joined: May 2002
Posts: 3,608
Near the Land of Enchantment
Did everyone see the quote in the ABA Newsbytes this morning? Bob Hope said he was so old that they'd canceled his blood type. He's still funny! Corny, yes, but funny.
Opinions my own.
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