Here is what the IRS has to say.
Involuntary cash-out of benefits not more than dollar limit.
A plan may provide for the immediate distribution of the participant's benefit under the plan if the present value of the benefit is not greater than $5,000.
However, the distribution cannot be made after the annuity starting date unless the participant and the spouse or surviving spouse of a participant who died (if automatic survivor benefits are required for a spouse under the plan) consents in writing to the distribution. If the present value is greater than $5,000, the plan must have the written consent of the participant and the spouse or surviving spouse (if automatic survivor benefits are required for a spouse under the plan) for any immediate distribution of the benefit.
Benefits attributable to rollover contributions and earnings on them can be ignored in determining the present value of these benefits.
For distributions made on or after March 28, 2005, a plan must provide for the automatic rollover of any cash-out distribution of more than $1,000 to an individual retirement account, unless the participant chooses otherwise. The plan administrator must notify the participant in writing that the distribution can be transferred to another IRA.
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