Hi everyone,
Could any of you tell me how I can determine my bank's loan account market share? (We already know our deposit account share.) My marketing officer posted this question in another forum a couple of days ago, without any response yet
, so I thought I give it a try here in the general forum.
Here's the specific question she had: "Hi, I was just hoping you could share how you determine your loan market share. I have been trying to use the FDIC's SDI info, but the reports include all branches of our peer group within the state, skewing the market share data. All of our branches are within two counties, so I don't want to compare against banks who's holding companies are in other parts of the state or the entire state system of larger national banks. How have you managed to segment the information?"
Can any of you help us determine this? (By the way, I just have to brag about her for a moment... she is fantastic about bringing all marketing issues to me for my compliance opinion - a rare gem, I know! (All the more reason I'd like get a speedy answer for her!)
Of course, this is a perfect Dawnie question, since market share percentages tie in with CRA issues. However, since Dawnie is at the North Pole sampling Santa's wine,
do any of the rest of you know how we can determine this? Don?