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#901022 - 02/06/08 08:07 PM
Re: A Question....
Retired DQ
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Joined: May 2004
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Way, way south.
hot and crunch fish and beef stir fry
what brand shoes should a fashionable guy buy?
Giddy up.
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#901085 - 02/06/08 08:57 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
Cyndi Lauper said girls in gerneral just want to have fun. Although, I don't how Cpt. Lou Albano would add to the fun.
Is it cruel to shine a laser pointer on one cat so the other cat attacks it?
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#901090 - 02/06/08 09:01 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2006
Posts: 12,579
Not prison
nope. i do it all the time. it makes me  is tea really soothing?
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#901091 - 02/06/08 09:02 PM
Re: A Question....
Power Poster
Joined: Sep 2004
Posts: 4,241
middle of the country
Depends upon if the cats generally play together, sounds like something fun to watch in that case
Is you office near other employees or off the beaten track?
Treading water in a hurricane
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#901109 - 02/06/08 09:16 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
It's right in well traveled area, it's kind of annoying.
Are there different levels of intelligence for cats, or are they all really dunb?
(I have two that fall into the latter category)
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#901123 - 02/06/08 09:25 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 10,596
The psych ward
If they're not road kill by now then I'd say they aren't as dumb as they seem.
Have you ever heard your dog puking in the middle of the night and you faked being asleep because your wife turned on the bedside lamp and got up and you just didn’t want to deal with vomit at that time in the morning?
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#901132 - 02/06/08 09:29 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 10,596
The psych ward
I have both so I guess I'm screwed....
When your car makes a funny noise do you try to discern where it’s coming from and what may be causing it, or do you turn up the radio to mask the noise and hope it goes away?
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#901157 - 02/06/08 09:46 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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Stuck w/Avatar
Know, I thought they made you  How many glasses of water do you drink throughout the day?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#901192 - 02/06/08 11:16 PM
Re: A Question....
Bacon Boy
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 10,596
The psych ward
I've had nearly 95 oz. and one Diet Pepsi (no wonder I've been in the bathroom so much today!)
Have you, or the man in your life, ever succumbed to “Male Refrigerator Blindness;” that debilitating affliction where the male is unable to locate whatever he’s looking for unless it leaps off the shelf and into his hands?
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#901253 - 02/07/08 04:19 AM
Re: A Question....
Diamond Poster
Joined: Mar 2002
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Do you consider yourself attractive?
Opinions are mine and never to be taken as legal advice!
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#901274 - 02/07/08 01:24 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2006
Posts: 12,579
Not prison
in the summer.
what do you suppose john burnett deleted (above)?
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#901278 - 02/07/08 01:38 PM
Re: A Question....
Power Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 5,568
New Jersey
Probably something that shouldn't have been posted in the first place.
Why do people insist on testing limits?
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker
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#901286 - 02/07/08 01:46 PM
Re: A Question....
Sinatra Fan
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Joined: Jul 2006
Posts: 12,579
Not prison
adrenalin rush?
is the sky really blue?
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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#901345 - 02/07/08 02:51 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2006
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Stuck w/Avatar
No, but the ocean is and the sky reflects that color.
Why must bank regulations be so grey at times?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#901348 - 02/07/08 03:00 PM
Re: A Question....
Bacon Boy
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2006
Posts: 12,579
Not prison
because it's cloudy there.
who put the alphabet in that order?
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD
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