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#90618 - 06/23/03 05:42 PM How did you learn about BOL?

We're always trying to determine the most effective ways for getting the word out to bankers about the existence of BOL.

How (or from whom) did YOU learn about the site?

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#90619 - 06/23/03 05:42 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
John Burnett Offline
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John Burnett
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I think I heard from Andy Z.
John S. Burnett
Fighting for Compliance since 1976
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#90620 - 06/23/03 05:49 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Deena Offline
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I got a notice in my ComplianceAction newsletter. It was bright (orange, I think - or maybe pink) and I immediately checked it out.
Opinions expressed are mine and not necessarily those of my employer.

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#90621 - 06/23/03 05:51 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
redsfan Offline
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I saw a reference to BOL on the Moneypage Compliance Forum.
The opinions expressed here are personal and do not represent opinions of my employer.

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#90622 - 06/23/03 05:58 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Retired DQ Offline
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Initially, from Barbara Hurst at a security seminar, and it's mentioned as a resource at almost every educational seminar I've ever been to.
And that's because it's great!
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain

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#90623 - 06/23/03 05:59 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Bartman Offline
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Ditto ComplianceAction. One selling point was access to the archives online, if we provided our CA customer number.

And a number of folks referred to this board from the Money Page.
Opinions are Bartman's, not those of my employer. "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."

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#90624 - 06/23/03 06:00 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
rlcarey Offline
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I think I'm with Paul. I use to be a regular on the MoneyPage forum, but once I switched, I never went back.
The opinions expressed here should not be construed to be those of my employer:

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#90625 - 06/23/03 06:03 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Dan Persfull Offline
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Dan Persfull
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The opinions expressed are mine and they are not to be taken as legal advice.

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#90626 - 06/23/03 06:04 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Tom C Offline
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At a Mass Bankers seminar at which you may have been one of the speakers. I have been using the site for information ever since and only recently joined the "Bankers' Threads Discussion" forum. Keep up the good work!

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#90627 - 06/23/03 06:09 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
WildTurkey Offline
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Google search while looking for ..... "banking compliance" (if I remember correctly).
This is my opinion; it is not legal advice, nor the view of my employer, and it may change tomorrow.

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#90628 - 06/23/03 06:09 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
KSK Offline
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Mary Beth, less than 24 hours after the devestaing tornado that hit the Moore/Midwest City area of greater OKC a number of years back, flew to I think it was San Diego that year to address the annual conference of the National Association of Trust Audit and Compliance Professionals (NATACP).

Since then the NATACP has changed it's name to the Fiduciary and Investment Risk Management Association (FIRMA) and MBG and "friends" left their previous employer to venture of on their own.

I've followed the progression right on through to the present and have never regretted a day of it. Although I specialize in Trust Compliance, the information, knowledge, articles, wisdom and banter that are available here at BOL are second to none.

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#90629 - 06/23/03 06:12 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Kansayaku Offline
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I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#90630 - 06/23/03 06:13 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Go Royals Offline
Go Royals
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Either Google or Yahoo - can't remember which.
Void where prohibited, prohibited where void, void and prohibited where not allowed.

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#90631 - 06/23/03 06:15 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Skittles Offline
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A co-worker - I think. I honestly don't remember. I've also been in a few local compliance meetings with Michelle Petry and it's been discussed there.
My Opinions Only

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#90632 - 06/23/03 06:15 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Rubaiyat Offline
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Ditto ABA Compliance School.
--A bad day at sea is better than a good day at work.

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#90633 - 06/23/03 06:15 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
BBoyd Offline
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Seems that I had been looking for some branch training tools and had used a previous site that closed down (the name of which escapes me at the [senior] moment). A search turned up BOL, and I've been addicted ever since!
Opinions are mine and never to be taken as legal advice!

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#90634 - 06/23/03 06:17 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Little Sister Offline
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From a co-worker - I just started by getting the weekly compliance update and then ventured into the threads and I'm hooked!!!

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#90635 - 06/23/03 06:18 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
JacF Offline

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Initially, from Bankers Hotline (the print variety.) But I have since heard mention of BOL at every conference I've attended.

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#90636 - 06/23/03 06:19 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
amccary Offline
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I learned about BOL from my Compliance Auditor! What a great crew...they shared their knowledge and how valuable this has been for me!

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#90637 - 06/23/03 06:22 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
RebekahL CRCM Offline
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RebekahL CRCM
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A couple of days after starting my new position as Compliance Officer, a long-time bank employee sent me a funny postcard from the eCard Exchange. Considering that I was frightened out of my wits at my new job duties, the card made a big impression on me. I found it curious that there was such as thing as "banker humor" out there (I know, silly me).

I remember going to the eCard Exchange to see what other cards were available, and wondering what the heck the "BOL Threads Addict" references were all about! Needless to say, it didn't take me long to find out!
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.

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#90638 - 06/23/03 06:25 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

I heard about BOL from a friend of mine, Pat Patrick.

Luisa Garcia

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#90639 - 06/23/03 06:26 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?

Moneypage/ComplianceDesk for me.

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#90640 - 06/23/03 06:29 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
Ann Offline
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From MagicBanker when I came to work here. Best advice he ever gave me.

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#90641 - 06/23/03 06:31 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
PABanker Offline
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Link from another website plus mentioned at many compliance seminars as an excellent resource for all compliance issues that I have attended.

I instruct bank courses and always place it on my course resource listing to each of my students.

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#90642 - 06/23/03 06:32 PM Re: How did you learn about BOL?
RVFlyboy Offline
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Moneypage/ComplianceDesk for me.

How ironic is that?

I first heard about BOL from Richard Insley. We were speaking together at a conference the day after BOL came online. I guess turnabout was fair play since I was the one that had first told Richard about the Moneypage compliance forum.

I had been a fan of Mary Beth's work from before BOL, though - when she was running the site, it was pretty awesome, too, but it didn't have a discussion area (I don't think). And I found out at the NRCC that she was also the genius behind the site a couple of years ago before it was rolled into Compliance Headquarters.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP
My posts - my opinions

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