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#948256 - 04/23/08 04:47 PM
Re: A Question....
Retired DQ
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Because I have been out in the sun too long (and I'm a reformed bitter and rural BB).
My contract allows me to get a new phone every 2 years, and I want to get the enV. Should I get it tonight?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#948321 - 04/23/08 05:56 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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Yes my 2 year are up.  Should I ask Debbie to go fly a kite?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#948343 - 04/23/08 06:17 PM
Re: A Question....
Bacon Boy
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no, tell her to jump in the lake!
who is this Debbie anyway?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#948383 - 04/23/08 06:51 PM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
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The psych ward
She's the office pest who's usually shoeless. Every institution has one.
If I roll up my shirt sleeves, do ya think it’ll make me look like I’m a hard worker?
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#948406 - 04/23/08 07:08 PM
Re: A Question....
'Lil Freak!
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It's worth a shot.
Should I put my hand in my pants a la Al Bundy if we get auditors in our office asking for files?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#948432 - 04/23/08 07:37 PM
Re: A Question....
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I like her better when she's away. Kind of gets under my skin and thinks she's my boss when she's not and I've been here longer.
Does that make me petty?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#948452 - 04/23/08 07:57 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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sure, on a 'slow' day
is it wrong to change the code on my wife's garage door opener and then peak out the back window to see her frustration?
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#948537 - 04/23/08 09:47 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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The psych ward
I think it's pretty frickin' funny!
Why do we keep getting emails about the HVAC being out and that's why the building is so warm, but there's cold air blowing on me and I have the space heater cranked to high?
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#948555 - 04/23/08 10:04 PM
Re: A Question....
'Lil Freak!
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Don't really have an answer...sorry
Why is it so hard to get over certain things...and by things I mean people
"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option!"
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#948562 - 04/23/08 10:07 PM
Re: A Question....
Little Miss BSA
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Because your car frame is too low. Try taking it to the south side of town and get your car lifted. Running over people will be a breeze.
Who's going to remind me never to walk in BSAinFLA's neighborhood?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#948565 - 04/23/08 10:10 PM
Re: A Question....
Little Miss BSA
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IDK, but each person takes a piece out of our hearts, and we need something to fill that void
the world sucks sometimes no?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#948574 - 04/23/08 10:16 PM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
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IDK, but each person takes a piece out of our hearts, and we need something to fill that void
the world sucks sometimes no? Yes... Why is it always the ones who don't deserve it that get it all???
"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option!"
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#948584 - 04/23/08 10:37 PM
Re: A Question....
Little Miss BSA
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You don't need to worry BB - I wouldn't run you over because of the bacon grease that would be left on my bumper...that such a pain in the a$$ to clean up Hork! Why do I get the funniest visual of BSA plowing my down in FLA and leaving an actual bacon grease splatter?!?!
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#948609 - 04/24/08 12:15 AM
Re: A Question....
Bacon Boy
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Cause you have a VIVID imagination.....
Have you seen the stuff that goes on in BB's head????
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
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#948632 - 04/24/08 02:46 AM
Re: A Question....
Little Miss BSA
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under the Lone Star
yes, especially the more meaty ones
have you tried the new bacon burgers at Chili's?
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#948649 - 04/24/08 03:28 AM
Re: A Question....
Pale Rider
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I actually tried the mini burgers so I looked like I was aware of the foods I consumed. But, alas, I realized the one burger cut into 4 pieces wasn't as much fun as a frisbee sized burger with load of peppered bacon. I'll never make that mistake again.
Isn't this a great deal?
I went to the mall to get a new phone and the guy was actually a licensed dealer for Verizon. Nice enough, but tried to say if I pay $100 I'd get the phone I wanted plus a car charger and there was a $50 mail-in rebate. I instead went online, ordered the phone with next-day shipping (it'll arrive at my office Friday because it's too late tonight) for $29.99 plus tax. Skidoo, skidoo, the only thing that matters is with who you do. Skidoo, skiddo, the only thing that matters is with who.
Second question: Surely, you don't think mine is the most "creative" mind on BOL?
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#948745 - 04/24/08 01:58 PM
Re: A Question....
Little Miss BSA
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Bacon is as bacon does....
How bout a date?
I'll be in the hospital bar. Uh, you know there isn't a hospital bar, Mother. Well, this is why people hate hospitals.
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#948748 - 04/24/08 02:01 PM
Re: A Question....
10K Club
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In the Snow :)
Dooby! Shame on You!! - are you cheating on Kitten? (Q&A)
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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