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#94950 - 07/08/03 06:07 PM
employee giving notice
Does anyone know if there is anything in writing regarding letting an employee go immediately with pay when a two week notice is given?
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#94952 - 07/08/03 09:37 PM
Re: employee giving notice
100 Club
Joined: Apr 2001
Posts: 205
I think it is dependent upon your personnel policies and your state law. Texas, for instance, is an employment at will state. In many cases, when someone gives notice, we let them go at that time...just depends upon the circumstances. We spell out in our personnel policy the circumstances under which we will and will not compensate the employee for unused vacation pay, if any.
My opinions are just opinions.
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#94953 - 07/09/03 03:53 PM
Re: employee giving notice
Platinum Poster
Joined: Nov 2002
Posts: 624
Are employers required to cash out accrued sick pay when an employee leaves under any circumstances?
An error is not a mistake until you refuse to correct it
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#94955 - 07/09/03 09:44 PM
Re: employee giving notice
100 Club
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Posts: 205
I've never worked for a company that cashed out unused sick leave.
My opinions are just opinions.
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#94956 - 07/09/03 10:55 PM
Re: employee giving notice
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Ditto, Risk Officer. The bank I currently work for has a clause in the HR Manual that we also won't get paid our unused vacation time if we go to work for another financial institution.
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#94958 - 07/10/03 09:14 PM
Re: employee giving notice
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Most employees don't sign any type of non-compete agreement. Some of our loan officers and all execs do have contracts that have the non-complete clause.
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#94959 - 07/11/03 02:36 PM
Re: employee giving notice
100 Club
Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 114
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
As others have said, it depends on your state requirements as well as your bank practice. Otherwise, you are not obligated to keep the employee on staff, but it is general practice to pay the employee for the two-weeks notice.
Gayla R. Sherry, SPHR, CMC President, Gayla R. Sherry Associates, Inc. Helping organizations improve employee morale, retention and productivity HR Consulting and Compliance; Training, Conflict Resolution, Internal Investigations, Expert Witness
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#94961 - 07/11/03 09:47 PM
Re: employee giving notice
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Las Vegas Nevada
I haven't seen anyone mention the fact that having an employee hang around for two weeks bragging to the rest of the staff and customers about how going to work for your competitor is so much better can be a problem.
Once notice is given, and unless there are some mitigating circumstances IMO cut them loose.
Compliance Analysis and Research - Software for your CRA/HMDA analysis needs
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#94962 - 07/11/03 10:15 PM
employee giving notice
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jan 2002
Posts: 537
Elizabeth City, NC
...employee hang around for two weeks bragging...
I'd let those go immediately as well, Don.
I think Risk's answer covers it best: "..just depends upon the circumstances..."
Twice in the last 10 years I resigned and gave two weeks notice. The first bank in 1993; I gave notice in August and left the following February -- 5 months later! The second, an S & L; I gave 1 month notice. I did leave after one month but continued to go in and work a few hours here and there.
The difference? In both cases I was not leaving to go work for a competitor or anyone else for that matter. I was leaving because I wanted to leave -- with no job lined up! 
That and the fact there was mutual respect meant they didn't let me go on the spot.
There's always exceptions. 
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#94964 - 07/12/03 01:26 PM
Re: employee giving notice
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 1,454
When I gave my two weeks notice, I worked for the two weeks and let them know that if they needed me for a third week I would be there. When I left my job, I was told that if I ever wanted to return, just let them know. (I miss that place.  )
Another employee that left had given her notice, was let go immediately and received pay.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.
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#94965 - 07/16/03 06:26 PM
Re: employee giving notice
My bank does not pay for unused sick time. Sick time is a benefit, not an entitlement.
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