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#968301 - 06/03/08 05:33 PM
Re: Flood Compliance forum
100 Club
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 219
Noticed a lot of flood posts last week myself.
Gotta be an aggie with that ring? Cheers from a Texas native.
SWTSU alum
Last edited by WyoRockies; 06/03/08 05:42 PM.
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#968799 - 06/04/08 12:39 AM
Re: Flood Compliance forum
David Dickinson
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 10,228
Toano, VA
I agree, David. A general practitioner could spend hours a day digging through the volume of discussion here. A better solution is for posters to indicate the reg in the subject line--as is the case in this thread. Descriptions like "I need answers fast!" don't help the reader and will most likely get little, if any, attention.
...gone fishing.
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#968817 - 06/04/08 01:36 AM
Re: Flood Compliance forum
Richard Insley
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 85,260
Galveston, TX
I agree. Flood is a hot issue right now, but wait until the final RESPA revisions come out and you will see nothing but RESPA posts. It's very cyclical.
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#969445 - 06/04/08 07:29 PM
Re: Flood Compliance forum
Platinum Poster
Joined: Dec 2005
Posts: 597
Well, if you're already an expert, experienced, or fluent in Banking (lending in particular) and your use of the forums is to generally provide the answers or responses to questions raised, than maybe it makes sense for you to have all/most lending topics in one forum such as the Lending forum.
If, however, your a novice, upstart, inexperienced or new to lending, and your use of the forum is to find answers and ask regulation specific questions, then it makes more sense to find that answer and ask that question in a forum dedicated to that topic or regulation so that it doesn't get mixed, sidetracked, minimized or lost in the mix of other non-related topics. Frankly, it would make it much easier for those wet behind the ears individuals to search for detailed regulation specific topics in a Regulation specific forum (e.g. HMDA) opposed to a general lending forum. IMO.
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#969636 - 06/05/08 12:46 AM
Re: Flood Compliance forum
David Dickinson
10K Club
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Posts: 27,769
On the Net
And do not for a minute believe that all flood questions would go into a flood forum. They simply won't. Users aren't sure where to post, or don't look for another forum or ask multiple questions at once, and they all end up in one place. Yes, it could help, no it wouldn't be a complete answer.
You can always search on key terms or, as we recently put in our Guru Newsletter:
Active Topics Want to get a real sense for the hottest topics in the banking industry? Log in to Bankers' Threads, then click on the "Active Topics" menu item at the top. You can then choose to see the active topics in the past 24 hours, 48 hours, or the past 7 days. When something new and buzz worthy occurs, you can bet you'll find it there. The posts appear in reverse chronological order and you can quickly scan the titles of the threads, which forums they're posted in, who started the thread, and how long ago the last post was. When we've been out for a few days, the Active Topics link is the first place we head.
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#970425 - 06/05/08 10:43 PM
Re: Flood Compliance forum
Platinum Poster
Joined: Dec 2005
Posts: 597
I'm not too familiar with the options provided by a UBB.thread forum, but an alternative to adding additional forums would be to add an additional field containing a drop down list on top of the subject line. The dropdown field would contain a preset list of the main or popular subtopic items within the specific forum topic (subtopics could be by regulation).
For example, if that option were available, if you wanted to eliminate all other lending related forums you could and BOL could create a list of preset subtopic items that contains perhaps TIL, RESPA, HMDA, FLOOD, ECOA, Article 9, Other Lending, etc. This list would be a selectable item that a user wouldn't have the ability to edit. They could select a subtopic that their question or post relates to and then input a little more descriptive info in the subject line.
As far as searching for topic material, a user looking for a lending related topic could then filter his search by searching solely in the Lending forum (or any other forum for that mattter), selecting a subtopic category (created for that forum, such as HMDA, TIL, or perhaps ALL Subtopics) and then typing in a key word or phrase found either in the subject line or in the post itself as you normally do now.
If this option were available, it would eliminate the burden on the providers of answers in having to open multiple forums. Instead, they could simply open one forum and choose to see all posts in that forum or only those tagged by a subtopic category (e.g. Flood).
Not sure a forum powered by UBB allows for this, but if so, that may be worth looking into.
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