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Application for a TIN? Before or After?

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Do we get the application for the TIN before the account is opened?

In the new revised CIP Chapter in the FFIEC Exam manual, “The CIP rule provides for an exception for opening an account for a customer who has applied for a tax identification number (TIN) and an alternative process for obtaining CIP identifying information for credit card accounts.

· The exception permits the bank to open an account for a customer who has applied for a TIN, but does not yet have a TIN. In this case, the bank’s CIP must include procedures to confirm that the application was filed before the customer opens the account and to obtain the TIN within a reasonable period of time after the account is opened.16

· For a credit card account, the bank may also obtain CIP identifying information about the customer by acquiring it from a third-party source prior to extending credit to the customer.”


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Alert! Revisions to Three Sections of the BSA FFIEC Exam Manual webinar.

First published on 03/14/2021

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