Answer by Andy Zavoina, BOL Guru
Decide on the products you want to offer, whether the vendors will offer off-the-shelf software or customized to your needs and pricing. Will you pay per customer, per using customer, will you be able to distinguish between the two, and what tech support will be available to you and your customers.
Answer by Barney Lehmbeck, BOL Guru
The most important step in selecting a vendor is finding one who has good references from other institutions in your area. The first vendor that an institution which I have worked with used had a big name and promoted that they were a leader in this field. The product that was launched by them had not ben properly tested by the institution. After waiting more than 60 days after signing up, most of the customers dropped the service and could not be convinced to try the revised program when relaunched.
First published on 2/5/01
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