We used to have an annual customer appreciation day at all our locations. The practice has been discontinued and we are looking at other alternatives. One suggestion is to hold a customer outing at a local amusement park. Any thoughts or suggestions?
We are considering offering a premium rate interest bearing checking account as a test product at one of our branches. One of the contingencies of the account would be direct deposit of payroll or government benefit. Any problem in doing this?
Customers seem to get annoyed when they find out our call center they're talking to isn't located in the same town they are and can't find the extension number of the employee they want to speak to unless the customer knows the employee's last name. How should we deal with this?
We're looking for something really different to get our bank noticed. We're in a fairly small community that is close to being overbanked. How do we make ourselves stand out from the crowd?
One of the banks in our area runs promotions aimed specifically at women, sponsoring special programs to help females learn how to save and invest. Personally, I have a very negative reaction to it (and I'm a woman!), but our management thinks we ought to explore doing the same thing. What do you think?
We have a fairly small budget for giveaway items. Are we better off sticking with ink pens and common items, or should we go for something unusual. If so, what do you suggest?
Would you recommend using our bank president or director as our spokesman in radio or TV ads?
We're in the process of choosing an online banking vendor. Can anyone who's been through it help us out by giving us the benefit of their thoughts on what they did right and what they wish they had done differently?
Has anybody collected any demographic data on online banking customers? Is there a particular age group, education level or customer type which is more likely to use this technology?
We will be launching online banking in about 60 days. I would appreciate any ideas you might have for making our customers aware of it, promoting it outside the bank, getting people to try it.