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Getting Buy-in from Key Players

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What is the best way to get buy-in from key players that need to be involved in the risk assessment process? How do we sell it?

The Audit Committee and Board of Directors should be behind the process. Having a member of senior management assigned as the "sponsor" available to be a cheerleader and also remind people of the importanceoccasionally is also very helpful. One advantage to doing a bank wide riskassessment before your regulator requires you to conduct one is that you cantake your time and not have to rush to meet an arbitrary deadline. That can beused to your advantage by not pressuring staff as much. Just make sure thereare deadlines and the project doesn't fall by the wayside because people are toocasual about it.

Archive of Risk Management Questions

First published on 12/15/08

First published on 12/15/2008

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