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New Technology To Combat Check Fraud

We recently have experienced a large number of check fraud situations where fraudulent items were passed over the teller lines. We ask for two forms of photo identification but still have problems. Is there any new technology you would suggest we consider?

Answer by Andy Zavoina

Inkless thumbprint technology has proved to be very successful in reducing check fraud. It is clean and fast, but you will have some customers who do not want to provide a thumbprint on a check. Check with your state association for an approved vendor or inquire on the Bankers Threads for references.


Answer by Barry Thompson

I know of no new technology to answer this question. However I do know that an up-to-date ID Checking Guide may help you. These guides provide Driver Licenses ID's for every state, Federal Documents, Bank Cards, Automobile Registration Plates even ID for Canada, Mexico and U. S. Territories.

Train your staff that when their stomach doesn't feel right about a transaction to use this book. I have found one's stomach to be a great test of when a transaction is right or wrong. In fact, I hate to state how often a teller told me, "I knew there was something funny about that person."

First published on 3/19/01

First published on 03/19/2001

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